Artist's commentary
Snow Globes
No matter the number of times she’d done it, waking up early in the morning after spending a night of passion with a lover-turned-meal never lost its novelty. It always brought a deeper sense of fullness and satisfaction to the owless to wake and feel the weight of her nutritious lover distributed along her voluptuous figure, although it’s only a small portion of their liquid mass that has condensed into fat. A majority of the weight in her stomach simply shifted lower down her middle overnight, bloating her intestines and belly alike with their digested meat. That, paired with the lack of movement from within, and any definition of her once-live meal now faded to an unrecognizable bulb of chyme tickled her in all the right ways.
It was a morbid satisfaction, reveling in the fact that she’d taken her lover into her, making them part of her body, her curves, becoming food for the person they were so enamored with.
She couldn’t help but croon, thinking of it...
She sits on her talons, hefting her generously fattened bosom with one hand and slowly traces the domed, bubbling cauldron of her guts with the other, listening to the liquid, gastric symphony as she slowly absorbs their soupy remains. It was the only trace left of them, but she intended on making them hers, in their absolute entirety. After only hours of digestion, breaking them down to a soft slurry, she made that intent clear: they belonged to both her belly and her body, nowhere else.
And as she wiggled her weighty rump and hefted her tits, feeling both her hands and feet sink into the dozens of pounds of fat adorning her bountiful features, squishing inches of soft, plush, freshly churned padding that weren’t present several hours ago, Eva smiled.
This was the biggest she’d gotten yet off of a single meal, and there was still plenty of their meat to distribute along her curves. While this probably was going to cost her a majority of her wardrobe for multiple months, it was worth it. She could only attribute the massive growth of her squishy curves to her lover’s desire to become one with them... which brings a soft smile at the edges of her beak.
She couldn’t wait to see their desires come to full fruition.
A gorgeously done raffle picture I’d been lucky enough to have done by the only ASaneMan ASaneMan, whom I cannot thank enough!
Check out his stuff, support him, do all the good things! The man very much deserves it.