Artist's commentary
Leena the fox taur
Art by Chubbyjam
Leena is the ruler of the city known as Hartheim, an Egyptian spired city in my universe. Being one of the rare taur breeds, she was presented the throne after learning the city had no ruler. She was welcomed with open arms and gifts. She rules over Hartheim and its inhabitants, utilizing the city as an oasis for wanders looking to rest during their hikes through the arid desert. As seen in the ref, she has a VERY high capacity, one that could rival Reina the deer taur queen, despite being half her size. To make up for the stature, she was processed with a unique power of hypnosis, using it to her advantage by either dismissing high-tense situations, or beckoning those she finds tasty down her gullet. She is a gentle soul, not one to excite violence or ever recommend it, instead preferring peaceful resolves