Artist's commentary
oh to be smothered by two large canine women
he's not showing it in his face but this is the best day of his life
Finally done! Sorry this one took until the end of the month, I was battling heaven and earth to make it look right all month lmao. I'm very happy with the end result though, I think this one looks great.
I'm also really liking this new style of lineart I'm using - it's a lot sketchier than the regular lines I use but there's something about this style that I'm just really enjoying right now. Not sure if it's just recency bias or if there's actually something being implemented here that is making the process better/fun but I'm definitely gonna continue doing more pieces with this style of linework in the future.
Gonna have a poll up on Saturday too! Not sure of the theme yet but It shall be good as always :D