Artist's commentary
Judy woke up with a start. She immediately hoisted herself into a sitting position, her large ears twisting every which way.
She thought she had heard something.
She had been napping on the couch, where she had fallen asleep while watching a movie. Nick had been with her, though he was gone now, and judging by the dwindling light coming through the front window of their shared apartment, she had slept through the entire afternoon.
Had she imagined it? The sounds of a scuffle? Labored breathing, a muffled noise. Had she been dreaming?
Then she heard a loud thump, like something had been knocked over.
Judy's heart pounded in her chest, and she swallowed hard. Had someone broken into the apartment? They would have had to walk right by her to get into any of the other rooms, but that wasn't impossible: since the pregnancy, she was tired a lot, and sometimes would sleep very deeply. If there was an intruder, she would be mostly helpless: despite all her police training, she wasn't really up for a fight in her current gravid state.
That didn't mean she wouldn't try, of course.
Judy slid off the couch, adjusting the large shirt of Nick's that she was wearing to make sure she was decently covered. The she crept back towards the bedroom, where the noises were coming from. It definitely sounded like a fight of some kind; she could hear muffled voices. Was Nick fighting with the intruder? Would he be okay?
Judy took a deep breath and eased the door open. She poked her head inside... and froze.
Nick was in bed with another bunny.
She looked a lot like Judy, actually, though perhaps a bit smaller and more slender. She had similar grey fur, and was wearing a blue sun dress. She was lying on her back on the bed, and was desparately trying to squirm her way out of Nick's grip. Her legs were kicking wildly, and the lamp that was normally on the bedside table lay askew on the floor: that was probably what Judy had heard fall earlier.
Nick, for his part, was on his knees, hunched over the slender frame of the other bunny. He had his shirt off, though he still had on the pair of jeans he had been wearing the last time Judy saw him. He had one paw clamped tightly over the bunny's mouth, muffling her attempts to scream, and he was holding her down with the other, trying to keep her from squirming away.
"N-Nick!" Judy exclaimed.
Both Nick and the bunny froze in surprise, both turning to look at her, Nick's paw still over the bunny's small mouth.
"Judy!" Nick responded, his eyes wide. "You... I, I was trying not to wake you... I went for a walk after you fell asleep and this bunny just kinda... showed up..." Nick swallowed hard.
Judy pushed the bedroom door the rest of the way open, stepping gingerly inside and closing it behind her. "So you went for a walk, saw a bunny, thought she looked tasty. You were close enough to home to bring her here without trouble. It was the perfect opportunity for you to... grab dinner."
"Mmph!" The bunny said.
"More or less," Nick said. "After what we talked about the other day... I had kind of been craving rabbit."
"Well, I can understand that," Judy muttered.
"Anyway, this was stupid of me. Of course I shouldn't have brought her here. I'm sorry, I'll let her go."
The bunny, still held down by Nick, nodded vigorously at this suggestion.
Judy scrutinized Nick's face. He looked embarrassed, but behind that, there was just a tiny trace of fear. Judy took a deep breath. "No."
"What I said was: no. I told you the other day that if you were craving rabbit, you could indulge, and I meant it. I'm not going to suddenly take it back now. I just have one request."
"Anything, of course," Nick said.
Judy hesitated, took another deep breath. "I want to watch."
"You want to what!?" To say Nick sounded surprised would be an understatement. The bunny expressed a similar, albeit muffled, sentiment from beneath Nick's paw.
Judy walked towards the bed, stopping at the edge and leaning forward, bracing herself against the bed with her paws. "I told you that I accept you for who -- and what -- you are. But you don't really believe it, do you? It's not that you don't trust me, it's just that no other prey animal ever has. Am I right?"
Nick bit his lip. "Yeah, that sounds about right, Carrots."
"Then let me prove it to you. Let me stay. I want to see it for myself -- to prove to both of us that I really can handle this."
Now it was Nick's turn to hesitate. "Are you absolutely sure about this, Carrots?"
Judy smirked at him. "I think it's a little too late for second thoughts at this point."
Nick chuffed and returned her smirk. "Yeah. I mean, I know what I said, but I couldn't really let her go at this point. Alright, well... enjoy the show, I guess."
Judy leaned against the bed, watching as Nick turned his attention back to the rabbit.
First, Nick tore off her dress -- literally, his claws shredding the fabric as he yanked it from her slender body. This move surprised Judy at first, but then she realized that it made sense -- Nick wouldn't want to eat that much cloth. He left the rabbit's undergarments where they were, possibly for modesty's sake or because she was squirming up a storm and Nick needed to move forward with this. Still pinning her down to the bed, he lowered his mouth and opened his jaws.
Judy's heart pounded against the inside of her ribcage as she watched. He was really doing it. She was about to watch a bunny -- a bunny not that different from herself -- be eaten. A bunny just like that one she had seen on the bus.
Nick's lips peeled back, revealing long, sharp fangs. Judy had gotten plenty of good looks at those fangs, but she imagined they looked entirely different to Nick's prey, who was staring wide-eyed into Nick's maw. Flecks of drool dripped onto her face, causing her to wince.
Then, in one smooth motion, Nick slid his hand off of her mouth and pounced. The bunny just barely had time to get a small scream out, before that scream immediately became muffled as Nick wrapped his jaws around her head. He held her like that for a moment, her head in his mouth, as he got a good grip on her shoulders.
Nick spun himself around, moving from his knees to a sitting position, his back resting against the bed's headboard. The bunny, of course, came with him, her head still lodged in his maw, his large paws gripping her upper arms. She was now sitting in his lap, facing him, her body pressed against his chest.
Judy furrowed her brow. Why had he changed position? It seemed to Judy that being over his prey would offer a superior advantage. So why move?
Nick glanced up at her and raised an eyebrow.
Oh. He had moved to give her a better show.
Judy put her paws on the side of the bed and, with a little trouble, managed to heave herself up onto the matress. She sat down on her knees in front of Nick, facing him, one hand resting idly on her belly as she watched.
The bunny was still struggling, drool wetting the fur of her neck and shoulders. Nick gave Judy another look.
"I'm ready," Judy said. "Do it."
Nick swallowed. With a wet "gllrk" sound, the bunny's head moved from Nick's maw to his gullet. His long snout wrapped around her chest and shoulders, helping to pin her arms down as he forced her in deeper.
Judy watched with rapt attention. It was fascinating to see. Nick's throat was bulging out, and Judy could actually make out some of the features of the bunny's muzzle. Her screams were still coming through, too, albeit very muffled, and getting even moreso when Nick swallowed again, pushing the bunny's head further down his gullet.
Judy's large ears twitched, and she realized how hot they felt. Had it been so warm in here a minute ago? It could be a side-effect of the pregnancy. She considered for a moment, then reached down and pulled Nick's shirt off of her body, tossing it aside and leaving herself in only her undergarments. Nick wouldn't mind: he had seen her in a lot less, after all.
Nick had the bunny in his mouth up to her hips, now. Her legs were flailing wildly, but he grabbed her ankles, then lifted them up, tilting his head back.
This made a straighter shot down into his stomach, Judy realized, though it also gave her a fantastic view of his throat, which currently bulged out with the bunny's chest, her head disappearing somewhere beneath his expanded ribcage. She leaned closer, supporting herself on one of her handpaws as she watching the wiggling bulge.
Once Nick got the bunny's hips past his lips, progress sped up. He slurped her legs down easily, and soon his teeth snapped shut behind her toes with an audible click. He swallowed a few more times, forcing the bulge in his gullet down. His gut expanded, almost touching Judy where she was sitting. Nick let out a relieved sigh.
"Alright, that's it. Now she's dinner," Nick said.
Judy stared at Nick's stomach. It was huge -- big enough to hold a rabbit, she supposed. It wasn't an even, round protrusion like Judy's own gravid belly, but rather had bulges and valleys and creases. Judy could occasionally make out clear impressions of the bunny struggling inside.
"W-wow..." Judy said. "You really did it. You swallowed her in one bite."
Nick nodded. "So? Are we still...?"
"We're fine," Judy said. "Honestly, it was kind of impressive. How do you do it?"
Nick let out a relieved sigh, then shrugged. "I don't know. Practice, I guess? I started with smaller prey and worked my way up. It didn't take long before I could fit a whole bunny in there."
"Huh." Judy tentatively reached forward with one paw, still bracing her weight with the other. "May I?" She asked.
"Go ahead, Carrots."
Judy felt her cheeks flush as she reached out and laid her paw against Nick's stomach. As though in response, a bulge pressed out against her fingers. She ran her paw across the surface of Nick's stomach, her fingers running through Nick's soft fur, exploring the moving landscape of her lover's gut.
There was a person in there. Another bunny, just like her, frantically struggling to escape. Though her screams were mostly muffled, Judy was certain that she was pleading for help -- probably hoping to receive it from Judy herself. Judy pictured her, trapped in that dark prison, her fur soaked, begging for a rescue that wasn't coming.
"How long will she... last?" Judy asked. "I still felt fluttering in my stomach for like a week after I ate that mouse."
"Yeah, well, you have an herbivore's digestive system," Nick answered. "It can vary, depending on the size of the prey and how much of a fight they put up. For this one, I'd give her maybe... two days?"
Judy swallowed hard, feeling her ears heat up even more. She stroked her fingers across Nick's fur again, and felt a rumbling beneath it. The rumble moved up, and Nick's mouth suddenly flew open.
"BRAAAAAAAAAP!" The belch was loud enough to rattle the windows. Nick immediately covered his mouth with a paw, looking embarrased. "Sorry."
Judy tilted her head to one side. "You okay? How are you feeling?"
"Sated, but a bit bloated," Nick admitted. He gave the side of his belly a firm pat. "Been a while since I've given the ol' bunny smelter a meal of this size."
Judy felt a little thrill run through her body, starting at her head and moving down through her toes, her small tail twitching as it passed.
Nick furrowed his brow as he realized what he had just said. "Er... I mean..."
"No, it's fine," Judy responded with a smile. "I mean, it's not an inaccurate nickname, right? Honestly it's kind of cute that you apparently named your gut."
Nick shrugged. "We preds are a weird bunch, I guess."
"Everyone's weird in some way." A thought occurred to Judy. "Hey Nick... I have a question."
"When we first met... we didn't get along that well. Did you ever consider... doing this to me? Was I ever at risk of ending up on the wrong side of your fur?"
Nick's expression turned a bit more serious. "Well..."
"You can be honest," Judy said. "We're in a very different place now. I'm just... curious."
Nick nodded. "Well... remember the first day we met? When you found out that I had hustled you and I gave you that speech about what Zootopia is really like?"
"The one you were entirely wrong about?" Judy asked with a smile.
Nick gave her a rueful smile back. "Yes, that one. Well, there was one point where you followed me into an alley, and... I admit, I was really, really tempted to shove you down my gullet right there. I was kind of surprised you had even followed me there. But, you know, country rube or not, you were still a cop, and eating a cop would be begging for trouble."
Judy chuckled, though she did feel a little flutter in her chest at the thought that she had apparently been so close to having her career in Zootopia end so suddenly. Would Bogo have even investigated her disappearance? "Well, I'm glad you didn't," Judy said.
Nick's voice took on a serious tone. "Yeah. Me too."
He reached forward, taking Judy by the paw and gently pulling her forward, into his embrace, and pressed the tip of his muzzle against hers.
Judy's heart skipped a beat again, both at the kiss, and at the fact that her own belly was now pressed against Nick's.
Once the kiss broke off, Nick moved Judy into a more comfortable cuddle, pressed against his side -- though she could still feel Nick's belly squirming against her. He wrapped one arm around her shoulders, nuzzling in close to her.
"Thanks for being mine, Carrots."
"Always, dumb fox."
Nick brought one large paw down and caressed Judy's belly. "How are the kits doing?"
"Good. Though honestly, I think that little display made them hungry again. I'm starving."
"Do I need to catch you another mouse?" Nick asked.
Judy smiled, placing her own, smaller paw on her own belly next to Nick's. "You know I'm not planning on making that a regular thing."
"Of course, of course, I was just..."
"But... maybe."
Nick's eyes widened, and Judy thought she saw his cheeks flush a bit. "Really?" He asked.
"I dunno," Judy said. "It seems to be what the kits want."
Nick nodded. "I suppose you would know that better than anyone."
Judy snuggled up close to Nick, closing her eyes. For right now, she was going to enjoy her lover's company. She would worry about feeding her kits later.
But she had the distinct impression that a mouse might not be enough for them.
Another prednant Judy story! I bet you all thought I forgot about these, didn't you?
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