Artist's commentary
Familiar Strays (Part 2 of 2)
Artist/Foxifly - Foxra Foxra Foxifly Foxifly
Writing/Fidget/Ceylon/Leera - Runa216 Runa216
Part 1: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47832978/
Part 2: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47833056/
So this was a vastly unique situation. Decided to do a quick little something in between commissions so I chose to do something personal to cleanse the palate. Well, turns out that last story really ruffled my feathers because this was done in 3 days.
It's also unique becuase the art was repurposed from an old commission. It's complicated, but a while back a friend commissioned a piece but then sold the character. So we changed the character in the art, and I wrote for that. IF that person (You know who you are) still wants me to write for the original piece, I'm happy to do so, just poke me somewhere and we can make a whole new story out of it.
As for the plot itself, well it's a 2-parter. It has Fidget on vacation looking for new ways to explore her kink and sexuality. While on a morning walk, she meets two little woodland creatures resembling people she knows! Well, what happens? you'll have to read. It's fun. Promise.
Haven't been this motivated for something since my "New Lives at Sea" Story from February. Makes me feel good for the future. Turns out writing about athletic ladies with cameltoe is a new kink of mine. Will have to put a pin in that and see what comes of it.
Fidget didn't take long to recover from her time overlooking the cliff. She was nothing if not adaptable, and she was used to enjoying multiple sessions in a row. Within only ten or fifteen minutes she was back up to the same level of energy she had at the start of the day, the fatigue of an intense orgasm no longer lingering. It was a lovely orgasm, but like most of hers it didn't keep her tired for long. Being athletic helped with that. All she had to do was get something to drink to replenish her lost fluids – both sweat and lubrication – and she'd be clear as the skies above.
Of course, the peculiar situation did stick in her mind. Her body adapted, but she couldn't stop thinking about what had transpired. Why did that gryphon and snake stop fighting to be with her? What were the chances that the gryphon would have the exact pattern and coloration of Ceylon? Likewise, what were the chances of the snake having the exact same colours and patterns of Leera? Why so horny to the point a feral beast so eagerly cuddled and let her please them? How was it that such a small creature could take her fist like that? Nothing really made sense, but it happened nonetheless.
She had theories, but they seemed less like rational thinking and more like conspiracies so she didn't dwell on it. At least not at first. However, as she continued jogging south down the path through the Vast Emerald Wood, she kept getting glimpses of something black and white out the side of her peripheral vision. Whenever she looked, it was gone.
Perhaps it was something in a tree above or sitting on a rock next to the path. It was a little black and white something or other that disappeared into the foliage any time she looked. At least at first. The farther she went, the quicker she was to try and get a better look at it.
And as she theorized, it appeared to be that same gryphon with Ceylon's patterns, following her. The more she looked, the more she saw. With every subsequent glimpse, she got a better picture of what was happening. By the end of her trip, she could even make out what appeared to be Leera hanging out next to Ceylon every time. Only, she was more natural colours so she didn't stick out.
It really did feel like they were following her somehow, even though there was no way that snake could keep up with her jogging pace. Not a chance from above or below.
In addition to the gryphon and snake sightings, she also began to see something else repeated along the path. A cute little white, red, and yellow creature that was a bit smaller than the gryphon and seemed to be part insect – specifically a fuzzy moth – and part fox. Completely unfamiliar to her, but she assumed that it was somehow linked to the other two, since this little creature was seen at the same intervals as the snake and gryphon.
One thing she did notice, though, was that every pet dog and dragon and feline that walked past her on a leash couldn't help but stop and try to sniff her crotch. The pheromones were intense, but the moisture and mess had almost entirely evaporated by the time she got home. That meant that there were no visual cues to the fun she'd had or the mess she'd made, but she was surrounded by an aura of scent that anyone with a sensitive sense of smell could have sampled from a half kilometre away.
Of course, it was still pretty early by the time she emerged from the treeline of the Vast Emerald Wood so there were only a handful of people. She could tell the canines and felines picked up on her scent but the avians and reptiles couldn't. Fine by her.
She arrived back home and basically collapsed on her front porch, exhausted in all the best ways from the start of her day. Two pretty intense sessions, a lovely morning walk with beautiful weather and pretty awesome music, and a chance encounter with a pair of cute woodland creatures. Now she needed to have a bit more tea. This time an herbal or fruity tea without potion enhancements.
Inside, she peeled off her tight-fitting tank top and shorts, leaving the controller of the egg dangling between her legs. She put her ear buds away and plugged her phone in to charge before heading back to the kitchen. There, she turned on the kettle and prepared herself for another tea.
As she was at the kitchen sink looking out to her back yard, she was once again graced by the image of that little black and white gryphon perched on the lowest branch of the tree that overlooked her vegetable garden. She focused a bit and saw that the snake was also coiled up near the base of that tree branch. Very similar to how she first saw them overlooking the cliff.
A normal person would assume she was followed home, but she was a bit more critical of her own thought processes and was beginning to wonder if this was a hallucination. She took a lot of potion, there was a chance that one of them had gone bad or something. She dove into the recycling bin to check the date and make sure it was fine and found that there was a few months left on the shelf life still. The potion wasn't the problem.
If she was hallucinating, it would make sense. It'd explain why the creatures acted weird, why they took on features of those she worked with, and why they seemingly followed her home despite there being no way that was possible for a snake.
So she had to find the problem. The most logical explanation was some sort of conjured fantasy, so she had to find the source and fix it. Unfortunately, this meant she began to panic a bit, rummaging through her trash and recycling to see if any of the things she cooked or brewed had gone bad. Occasionally, she stopped to glance out the back window again to make sure the snake and gryphon were still there.
They were. Just happily dangling their tails over the branch and seemingly waiting for her to come outside. If they weren't real, they sure looked real.
Just as she was about to head out the back door through the greenhouse room, she was stopped by a petite voice from one of her hanging plants. It was feminine but strong. Deep. And with a subtle buzz, like it was coming from an insect. “Don't worry.” Was all it said.
She paused to glance around only to see that the voice was coming from the fox-moth that was perched on the metal grill of the plant. Somehow, it got into her house. “Excuse me, who are you?”
“Oh, sorry hun! I thought you'd recognize me!” The hybrid hopped off the plant and their gossamer wings started to hum, keeping them hovering in place at Fidget's eye level. “It's me, Foxi!”
Fidget narrowed her eyes to focus, her ears flattening to the back of her head. “You sure about that? You don't look anything like her.” Foxifly was the other one that ran The Vore House with Leera.
“No, I suppose I don't look like her, do I?” She motioned down to her own body, showing that she actually had four arms and two legs. Six limbs. “But then again, I suppose you aren't as familiar with us as you are with others. The Foxifly that runs The Vore House, where you get your potions, is only one of many. We look different based on size and season. This is just one version of me. You are more familiar with the grey, white, and blue version that's about your size.”
This fit her memory, but was still confusing. “Okay? So what's going on?” Fidget asked. At this point she still wasn't convinced that this wasn't an hallucination.
“Vacations.” She said, still hovering. “Do you mind if I perch on your shoulder?”
“S-sure.” Fidget answered, then angled herself to give Foxifly some room. “What do you mean by a vacation? I mean, I'm on vacation, but that doesn't explain what's happening.” As she glanced out beyond the glass wall of the greenhouse, she saw the gryphon and snake frolicking in the trees, playing with squirrels and batting at bugs as they got near. She also noticed more copies of Foxifly exploring her garden and perched on various locations, each one subtly different. Part of her was feeling like she was in a horror story and was about to go missing.
Foxi landed on her shoulder and got comfortable, her fox-tail abdomen draped over Fidget's back and her wings folded up nicely. “In between each season, we take a week or two to replenish our spirits. Sometimes that means travel, sometimes that means mental hibernation.”
“Okay, you're gonna have to explain that one.” Fidget interjected. She was starting to relax a bit, feeling that this wasn't a figment of her imagination. Still, she needed answers.
“Ceylon and Leera. Sometimes they just go primal. They transform into a feral size and shut their mind down so they basically act like beasts. They're still alive, but their minds are put into a sleep-like state that basically gives them the mental refresh of a week-long sleep. Those two that you played with this morning, that's Leera and Ceylon in their woodland creature forms. More or less feral but with their souls and minds still inside.” Foxifly explained. “And as for me, well, there's thousands of me. I watch over them wherever they may go while they do this to ensure nobody harms them.”
Fidget blinked slowly, gulping a bit. Suddenly her brain decided to remind her that the egg was still inside, making her just a little ashamed of the position she found herself in. She narrowed the gap between her thighs and stepped up to the back door, watching Ceylon and Leera have their fun. “I guess that explains a lot.”
“You're not skeptical?”
“Why would I be? I work with potions all day. Every day. I know Leera and Ceylon enchant a lot of their goods and therefore are pretty good with magic. I believe that they have the power to transform, even if that's not common at all. I also believe that they'd do this sort of thing. I'm not close with either one on a personal level but they both have pretty clearly defined personas. The only thing I don't understand is why they flocked to me and followed me home.” She then waved a bit. “Do they recognize me or something?”
Foxifly buzzed and chirped a bit. “Their sentient minds are in there but experiencing everything like a dream. Kinda hazy and unclear. Their feral bodies are more or less operating on instinct with only the slightest guidance from their consciousness. So I think there's some influence but not a lot. I just think they met you by chance by the cliff, because I've been watching them for days and they've never come this far away from the lake.”
“Huh.” She huffed to herself. “I'm honoured, but what do I do now? I mean, now I've got them playing in my garden and-” she paused to squint more, counting a dozen different Foxifly in amongst the plants. “-You've got a bunch of your hive chilling here, too.”
The tiny hybrid buzzed her wings to hover off Fidget's shoulder. “Just live your life. They'll come and go at their will. I and the rest of my hive will follow accordingly. They're harmless, though. And so are we. We share a mind, so if you want to tell the others something, they know.” Just then, all of the various other Foxifly drones turned and waved at her.
It was uncanny, but Fidget waved back. “Ok. Well, I'm going to go have some tea, then. Feel free to join me if you wish.”
“I love tea!” Foxifly said with a chipper buzz. “Herbal is the best. Do you mind if some of the others come in and join us? We could all use the energy that comes from the sugar.”
“Yeah, sure.” Fidget propped open the door to the greenhouse room and kicked a wedge in so it stayed open. “Feel free to join us!” She called out to the dozen drones, Ceylon, and Leera, before turning around and heading back to the kitchen.
There, she turned on the kettle and set out five teacups, each one with its own infuser filled with an herbal and fruity mix. That was every infuser she had, but that was fine, if it was all going to get used. She put three sugar in her cup, three in the second, two in the third, one in the fourth, and none in the fifth. That way there was a nice mix and the various drones could chose whatever they wanted. Once the water was hot and boiled, she filled each cup and gave a gentle stir before taking each of the saucers out to the living room, where she laid them out on the coffee table.
Her living room was nice. No TV, just walls lined with bookshelves, an angled desk for paperwork, and a series of comfy chairs all around a circular coffee table in the middle. The room was set up to read and to write, not to watch TV or play videogames or do stuff on her phone.
When she sat down, all the rest of the drones came in after her, settling on the arm rests and back braces of the other chairs. Ceylon flew in as well, perching on one of the chairs next to two drones while Leera curled up in the corner of the seat of the chair.
Fidget got out a book to read while the drones took turns perching on the saucers of each of their respective teacups, sipping the brew a bit at a time before hovering back to their perches on the chairs. It was a magical scene, with the dim light of the living room glinting off the gossamer wings, each of the drones a slightly different colour and shape. It reminded Fidget of stories of nymphs and faeries, those who frolicked in gardens and did mischief.
Except the Foxifly drones were all quite polite and well behaved. When they finished a cup of tea, they worked together to fly it back to the kitchen, gently placing it down in the sink without damaging it. Fidget was anxious about that at first, but after the third successful landing she stopped worrying and focused on her book.
That was the most of the rest of her day. Once things got established, the Foxifly drones chose not to speak unless spoken to. It was clear they were just there to watch over Ceylon and Leera, who slept in the chair most of the afternoon. They weren't ignoring Fidget, but it was clear she mostly just wanted to read her book without interruption and the Foxifly drones knew that they were imposing upon her. They were able to comfortably and happily coexist without stepping on each other.
And it was nice. Fidget liked that. She loved the company even if the idea of having to consistently entertain them was exhausting. She liked having them around but liked that they were independent even more. She really liked the idea of having pets. Companionship without the social pressure. If only she had some way to keep a pet while out on the road.
It wasn't until dinner that she chose to chat with Foxifly again. When she got up, the egg still inside her, she motioned for the one that spoke to her – which was apparently the leader – to follow. “Makin' dinner. If you're interested, I could make you a plate or four.”
Foxifly roused from her resting position and nodded with a buzz and a smile. “I'd like that. What are you making?”
“I hadn't decided. I was happy to take suggestions if you or the others had a preference. If I'm hosting, I'd like to make it something we all enjoy. Just keep in mind I don't eat a lot of meat.”
“That's fine, we don't either. I can't really speak on behalf of the primals over there.” She pointed to the still-sleeping Ceylon, who was nesting upon a coiled up Leera. “Leera's probably fine without anything and Ceylon's omnivorous.”
Fidget nodded. “That makes sense. I was thinking of doing a stir fry. Lots of veggies, some spice, and a bed of rice. You know, Carrots and Broccoli and corn and onions and peppers. I like some heat too. Can you handle Bonnet-Bloom peppers?”
“Yeah! Those are pretty mild, right?”
“Not too spicy. They're probably my least spicy pepper, but that's still a decent kick.” Fidget explained. “Hot, but if you can handle any spice at all, you should be able to handle this. Just eat slow.”
“Sounds like a deal! Need any help harvesting them? I saw you had quite the garden out back.”
“That would be lovely, yeah. I'll start rinsing the rice and doing the dishes. I need two red onions, four carrots – the biggest ones you can find – three peppers, two heads of broccoli, and a single knot of garlic.”
The main Foxifly drone offered a salute and took the entire hive of them out to the back, where they collected the ingredients and brought them back one by one, dropping them in the sink to be cleaned of the dirt. While they were outside, Fidget took the opportunity to squat down in the kitchen and push out the egg, collecting it in her palm and tossing it onto her bed before they returned. This left her feeling a little empty and needy, but she'd already enjoyed a few sessions and didn't need to have another go at herself. Not yet, anyway.
Once all the ingredients were back and cleaned off, she started peeling and chopping the vegetable medley, all while the rice boiled. The foxifly drones helped as best they could, collecting utensils, clearing off the cutting board once the scraps were left, and munching on some of the peels in between. They were part moth, they had no problem chewing on some carrot peels and leaves.
Fidget got her wok out, slathered it in sesame oil, and tossed the veggies in with a pre-made spice mix she had made by dehydrating a bunch of veggies. She mixed this with a bit of soy sauce and some oriental spices, giving it all a subtle sauce coating. At the end, she grabbed a bag of baby corns from the fridge and tossed it in, sauteing it with the rest.
Her whole house smelled like stir fry and rice. It was delicious, but also pretty strong. She divided the rice among five plates in much the same way she did with the teacups, then flattened each pile to cover the whole plate to make a bed. She then took the vegetable medley and divided it among the plates as well, a scoop on each rice bed. Then, using the sauces left in the wok, she cooked a bunch of cubed chicken breast and then added it to one plate, assuming Ceylon would be interested.
Just for flair, she grabbed a few green onions and chopped them up fine, sprinkling them on each page and then took sprigs of thyme and tossed each one on top. Satisfied, she took each plate to her living room and spread them out. She offered the Foxifly drones utensils but they opted not to. Their four hands were pretty temperature resistant and they liked eating that way.
Watching them eat was cute. While Fidget used chopsticks for most of her meal as well as the fork or spoon to pick up the last bits on her plate, the Foxifly were adorably munching on the fried sauteed veggies with their cute little mandibles. They'd grab a broccoli floret and munch the top a bit at a time, or they'd take the carrot discs and chew them in circles. If not eating the veggies, they were slipping individual rice grains into their mandibles, nibbling them to take them in.
The bug parts could have been horrifying or scary, but it was just cute. Especially when paired with contented buzzes, wingflutters, and four little arms holding the veggies and rice.
Ceylon slept through most of the cooking and eating, but eventually did wake up near the end to sample some of the chicken plate, as expected. She mostly ate the meat and rice, with very little interest in the veggies. This was fine, because that meant more for the Foxifly drones. Foxi did explain that this was normal; Ceylon loved veggies in their anthro form but their primal form only wanted meat and grains. Would have preferred fish but chicken was good too. Any meat was fine, really.
All of the meal got eaten – which was Fidget's hope – so she took all the plates and washed them each by hand before returning to the living room to read another few chapters of her book. This was her vacation, she enjoyed being able to sit back and read something fun. Even if she did so with a swarm of fox-moth hybrids on her chairs and shelves, each sort of doing their own thing.
Fortunately they remained responsible and mature. Very respectful of her stuff. So she had no problems losing herself to the book she'd chosen.
Just as she was on the verge of passing out and the sun was going down, Ceylon and Leera both came over to share her chair with her, the gryphon curled up on her lap and the snake coiled up between her hip and the arm rest. She reclined, put her bookmark in, and chose to take a bit of an evening nap right then and there. It wasn't her bedtime but she had earned some rest.
Fidget passed right out. Almost immediately. Within minutes of sinking into her chair, she reclined and was on the verge of snoring. Leera remained curled up in the corner next to her, squished in between her thigh and the arm rest, while Ceylon remained on her lap. At least that was how it started. By the time she passed out, Ceylon was already letting her cat-like instincts take over and she started kneading and clawing her.
Through all this, Fidget was completely nude. She'd disrobed within minutes of coming home from the morning run and felt no reason to put clothes back on in her house, meaning that Ceylon was kneading and clawing her thigh fur, snagging skin but not breaking it. She was pretty durable so she didn't mind this at all. The potion she took that morning did wonders to make her resilient to that.
What started as simple clawing and kneading escalated to the point Ceylon was actually trying to dig in between her thighs in an attempt to get to her lips. She was still moist from arousal and sweat, and the various pheromones and other scents were appealing to the horny gryphon.
She was only semi-lucid when she noticed this. Only she wasn't alert enough to realize that what she was experiencing wasn't a dream. She could feel Ceylon prying and worming in between her thighs, but her mind was lost in a semi-dreamlike state that made her think she was just fantasizing. To her, she was simply allowing her dreams to take over. Which was why she got comfortable and spread her legs, squishing Leera off to the side while exposing herself to Ceylon.
The gryphon used her curved beak to nuzzle up her thigh, eventually pecking and plucking her lips. One after another. Not only that, but she started licking, sampling the flavours and getting as much of it as she could. Before long, she leaned in with one tiny little talon on either side of her mound, each one lost in the fold between hip and thigh, as she nursed on Fidget's clit.
Her sharp beak was a bit startling, so Fidget unconsciously pushed her away then started rubbing herself, eager for pleasure but not awake or alert enough to appreciate the kink factor of having a beak chomping down on her clit. Of course, the moment she pressed a pair of fingers down onto herself, Ceylon wedged her beak in between them and tried again. This begun a brisk back-and-forth wherein Fidget would push Ceylon away only to have Ceylon push back, eventually ending when Ceylon gave up and angled herself down a bit.
She wasn't getting much love for the flesh of Fidget's clit, but there was a rather plump and juicy slit just below that wasn't being obscured. So, with talons still kneading either side of Fidget's mound, Ceylon leaned in and pressed her beak between her lips, parting them and easily slipping her head inside.
Fidget's juices soaked the bird, or would have had she not been coated in hydrophobic feathers. When Ceylon pulled out, the fluids and lubricants just rolled off her and soaked into the upholstery. She was a bit disappointed by this but she did notice that the properties of her feathers actually made it so that when she slipped in, the cavernous walls slid over her with ease and gave little to no friction.
A pair of Foxifly drones over on the opposite chair saw this was happening and hovered over to join them, landing on either of the arm rests. One of them hopped up onto Fidget's chest and could feel that she was breathing heavily and her heart was racing, so they conspired to help the primal morphs of Leera and Ceylon. They hopped down, one on either thigh, and reached down to grab Fidget's pussy lips, spreading them out to expose more of her fleshy and sopping wet insides.
Ceylon playfully pawed at them, but had just enough wit to see what was happening and respond accordingly. She then leaned in, talons spread forward in an almost diving motion with her beak nestled in the upper crook of her slit, crest rubbing on clit and curve teasing her urethra.
It was then that Leera woke up and decided to join in. She unfurled from her spot in the crook of the chair and slithered over Fidget's thigh, sliding between Foxifly's legs and coming to rest in a coil mostly behind Ceylon, her tail wrapped around Fidget's lower leg to anchor her in place.
Again, Fidget was only semi-lucid, her mental state somewhere between being aware of the things that were happening to her and believing most of it to be a figment of her imagination. With that in mind, she shuffled down and raised her knees up, letting them hook over the arm rests like she was in stirrups. This angled her hips just right to better expose her inner flesh and line up her passage so that it was a straight shot from Ceylon's position to her womb.
She even started rubbing her clit and fingering herself, accidentally catching Ceylon under the wings and pushing her inward, her lips swallowing up the gryphon's talons, head, and shoulders with ease. She even moaned a bit and used her other hand to idly cradle her breast and caress her nipples.
It seemed like she was about to play host to a kinky bird, but right as she got a surge of pleasure coursing through her body, she pushed down in near-orgasmic delight and forced Ceylon out with a gooey, messy squelch. Her passage compressed as her pelvic muscles constricted, cervix descending and nearly kissing Ceylon on the beak.
Leera had been flicking her tongue to taste the scene around her, and she chose this time to make a move. Right when Fidget forced Ceylon out, Leera struck, darting past the gryphon's body to poke her snout in between the doe-bunny hybrid's plump lips. Her power and speed and sleek scales ensured there was little to no resistance as her head popped in and her lips coursed through and kissed her cervix while pushing it in as deep as it could go. This was when The Foxifly fell back and hovered away, certain that their job was done. They helped the snake push through, now they got to watch.
Ceylon seemed a little distraught by this, so she started trying to nuzzle and wedge her beak in between Leera's scales and Fidget's flesh, but it was no use. The more Fidget felt Leera's scales grinding against her insides, the more she subconsciously clenched and pushed down, amplifying the sensations while resisting the snake's every move.
Of course, a snake was mostly muscle and scales, so she was not only strong enough to push back but also slick enough to not have any friction hold onto her to stop it from happening. Fidget tried to grab her and pull her out, but the copious volumes of her arousal coated Leera's scales so much that she couldn't get a grip. Plus, as Leera continued to bend and unbend from a striking position inside, the added pressure and sultry waves of motion made it so that she no longer wanted to pull her out.
Quite the contrary, she actually tried to start tugging on the snake to help pull her inside. She wanted to feel it all, and feel she did!
Inside, Leera's snout continued to press against her cervix, tongue flicking inside and body constantly adjusting and adapting to ensure she always had the right angle. Outside, her tail remained coiled around Fidget's thigh for an anchor while the rest of her body flexed and stretched out. Ceylon continued to knead and nuzzle, to no avail.
The pleasure was keeping Fidget on the cusp of awakening, never quite sure if this was fantasy or reality. Not until she felt the sudden and intense jolt of uncomfortable pleasure as Leera's snout eased her cervix open, dilating it just enough to pop her little snake head inside.
Fidget gasped and bared her broken fang, acknowledging the pain that came from this while also angling her hips down to ask for more. It was a strange response to that, as cervical penetration was not something she enjoyed or even thought possible prior to the blossoming of her potion-based adventurous nature. It wasn't meant to be possible or pleasant, but with the aid of potions and a shift in perspective based on her experiences with The Vore House, she had a newfound appreciation for that very specific sensation. It was mildly painful, but uncomfortable in a way she knew that as soon as it passed she'd be immeasurably relieving.
So she pushed down and widened her stance a bit, still not quite taken from her semi-lucid mental state. She was still half in the dream world and thus not taking the situation seriously.
Which was why Leera was able to push in a bit harder, wiggle her head from side to side to loosen up the entrance to Fidget's womb, and then pop in to the neck. There, she was able to tightly bend her head to the side and use that as an anchor. She then released her tail from Fidget's thigh, pulling her body in one belly-scale at a time.
Of course, Fidget only had so much lubricant and there was so much snake to pass through her pussy, so about half of the way down the snake's undulating form, the fluid started to run out. The pussy walls were still slick and the snake was still scaled enough that it wasn't so bad, but the fluid transferred from flesh to scale as each bit of Leera's body passed through, eventually leaving little for the lips as Leera continued to tug.
This resulted in Leera, half coiled in Fidget's womb, squirming and slithering between her legs while Ceylon kept trying to find a way to follow the snake inside. As the seconds passed, Fidget's depths moistened a bit more, secreting just enough fluid to help Leera slurp up again, eventually passing through her birth canal so only her tail was sticking out.
At this time, Ceylon was growing a bit too excited to contain herself. She kept pressing her beak in between Fidget's lips and Leera's scales only to be deflected when it was clear there was no room in between the serpent and mammal flesh. This resulted in her accidentally angling her beak up and hooking it on Fidget's clit flesh, snagging it and tugging just right.
Finally, Fidget got a jolt of pain that woke her immediately! She let out a yelp, accidentally kicked Ceylon off the chair in a flapping panic and she clenched her thighs in tight, trying her best to apply pressure on her clit and minimize the pain. Despite doing this she didn't even notice that Leera had pulled almost all of her body up past her cervix, and that a dozen centimetres or so of snake tail were still sticking out.
She was so overwhelmed with the sharp pain of her clit being jabbed and tugged that she hardly even felt the scales passing through her opening or the tail slurping up, disappearing deep within her. She did feel terrible for kicking the gryphon, so she motioned for Ceylon to come back up.
Ceylon wasn't deterred, she happily hopped back up and did her best to lay on Fidget's belly, head pressed to her abs and steely blue eye staring up at her. The gryphon's tail tried to worm its way in between her thighs and join Leera inside, but Fidget was pretty much beyond reconciliation now. She was done and needed to go to bed.
She got up from the chair while cradling Ceylon, not realizing that there was a snake tail dangling out of her like the cord to the vibrating egg controller earlier. She stumbled her way through the house and back to her bed, inviting some of the Foxifly drones to follow her. Only the main one did while the others hovered their way out of the house.
In her bedroom, Fidget tossed Ceylon gently onto the bed and flopped down, belly and chest first, with her face down on her pillow. She felt a deep churning in her lower belly, like hunger pangs only lower. She disregarded it even as Ceylon hopped up between her legs and started nuzzling in between her rump cheeks.
The fatigue of the day and the peculiar situation had exhausted her. She didn't move to resist or allow anything. She just fell asleep with her ears flopped down on the pillow, her body semi-twisted in a stance reminiscent of a chalk outline, and she let sleep take her.
Morning came quickly to Fidget, who finally lost herself in slumber after having Leera coiled up within her. She didn't realize that was a factor, but the sensation of pressure kneading against her abs from within mixed with the silkiness of her bed sheets made her feel like she was being embraced. Hugged from within. It was uniquely comforting, a familiar sensation she'd only ever felt once before.
When she woke, she was on her side and curled around Ceylon, the gryphon's head pressed tight to her lower belly. She rolled onto her back, and Ceylon instinctively followed, flopping on her belly some more. It was clear the gryphon was obsessed with that part of her. She didn't realize at first that Leera was nowhere to be found and thus was unable to put those pieces together.
It wasn't until she felt a groaning lurch from deep within her that she began to realize what may have happened. As she glanced down she saw her abs shifting, tiny little bulges sliding from side to side and over each other within her. It was like a ball of snakes was inside her, and that image brought up flashes of memory from her 'dreams' the night before. The snake slithering into her, the drones helping it happen, Ceylon trying to join her.
She figured it out but couldn't help but feel pretty bad about the whole ordeal. She didn't take a vore potion, so she had no way of knowing if her womb was safe. Yet Leera was still slithering and shifting about inside her, so she was clearly at least okay.
Fidget was more than okay, too. The constant gurgling and shifting of Leera inside her teased her loins from within, meaning her lips and passage were subtly tingling with pleasure and clearly had been all night. When she hoisted herself up to a sitting position, hand on her antlers and other hand on her bed for balance, she noticed a dark red patch on her sheets. Well, a darker red. The sheets were a light crimson, she had left quite the gooey wet spot from leaking arousal all night.
When Fidget got into that position, Ceylon immediately jumped into place between her legs, once again nuzzling her lips and trying her best to force her way inside.
“It's okay.” A voice cooed at her from atop her dresser. It was Foxifly, the one that had exclusively spoken to Fidget. “No matter what happens, the pair of them will be safe. I know you're thinking about it, and I can assure you they're fine.”
“How, though?” Fidget asked. She clenched her loins to keep Ceylon out even though the gryphon kept trying to worm her way in. “I didn't drink a potion.”
Foxifly chuckled a bit. “Oh, dear. That's fine. They adapt. The same magic that shrunk them and allowed them to turn their conscious minds off also gave their primal forms the required adaptive potion that they sell and disperse at The Vore House. Any body they inhabit is safe. It's that simple.”
“That's awfully convenient.” Fidget joked, slowly relaxing her lower body to allow her lips to part and swallow Ceylon's beak. She let out a gasp as she felt both the berth of the gryphon's head wiggling into her and the grinding shifts of Leera's many coils dancing in her womb. This descended her cervix so that it was nearly nestled between her lips. This was a show of her arousal, as her loins and belly clenched to push her womb down, but it also dilated her cervix enough that Leera's tail slipped out like a tentacle to wrap around Ceylon's neck.
When she relaxed again, allowing her womb to suck back in and her depths to return to normal, Leera tugged Ceylon in with her with a glorious squelch. Fidget was absolutely soaked with her own fluids, and Ceylon's feathers were hydrophobic, so there was little to no resistance as her lips gulped down the gryphon's head, neck, and shoulders. This relaxation allowed Ceylon to dig her front talons in as well, prying her lips downward towards her fluffy little tail while flailing about.
Despite trying so hard all night to join her partner in Fidget's womb, Ceylon was suddenly resisting the tail around her neck and the lips sucking her down. She wasn't kneading to loosen the passage up, she was extending her talons forth to press against the cervix so that it didn't extend and swallow her up, too! At the same time, her tail was lashing around, trying to find something to wrap around to anchor her outside.
All the thrashing and squirming mixed with the churning slithers of the snake in her womb inundated Fidget with pleasure, filling her with tingles and warmth from her chest to her inner thighs. No bit of flesh was free of the friction pleasure that came from Ceylon grinding and kneading her from within, the unique sensation of feathers and scales tickling the folds of her insides all the while.
“You should be fine, dear.” Foxifly encouraged her. “If you want Ceylon inside you, then you should let it happen. Stop flexing, there's no need to be worried. Relax. If you want it. Because I'm pretty sure they do, too. I've known them long enough to-”
“Stop talking.” Fidget interrupted between a pair of brisk, intense gasps of pleasure. Her chest was heaving, her heart was racing, her pussy was buzzing with delight and her depths were shifting with a series of writhing abdominal bulges. It was very hard to stay concentrating with Foxifly giving her a play-by-play; the sounds of her depths sputtering around Ceylon and the guttural groans of her womb's fluids getting churned was enough to keep her focused. She loved fixating on that sort of thing, not getting bogged down with dialogue. Ruined porn for her and ruined fun for her even more.
Curious and gradually losing herself to the sensations of Ceylon squirming half inside her, she reached down to grab the gryphon around the haunches, curling her fingers around and into her pussy. She was delicate, gently using a middle finger to tap her clit like a button before parting the lips and tugging upwards towards the posterior end.
This seemed to pacify Ceylon, who stopped struggling. While the little gryphon was taken by surprise by the snake tail that ensnared her and even more by the lips that began to swallow her, the focus on her own loins urged her to grow eager for more. She swayed her tail, arched her back, and winked her clit on Fidget's digits, making a bit of a mess all over her knuckles.
Fidget was just focused enough that she was able to feel this happening, so she wrapped three fingers around the feline hindquarters to collect as much as she could, then smeared it all over the black velvety flesh, soaking Ceylon from tail base to clit. She slipped two fingers in, using them to spread the gryphon open, gaping her passage while her middle finger of the three extended down to keep caressing that big meaty clit. She could feel the engorged flesh twitching to her touch, so she gradually applied more and more pressure while slipping her other two digits in deeper and deeper, deliberately parting them as wide as she could go to gape Ceylon's cavernous passage as thoroughly as possible.
The more she got into it, the more she tugged the gryphon towards her, each whimper and grunt of pleasure coaxing a buck of her hips and a tug of her wrist, forcing Ceylon a bit deeper every time.
At the same time, Ceylon's tail was still lashing about, looking for anything to grab onto. It wrapped around Fidget's wrist, and the very end of it even split into three, revealing a cute little tail maw that was drooling the same copious amounts of viscous lubricant that was coming out of her pussy and making a mess of Fidget's bed spread. That tail maw actually found and clamped down on Fidget's clit, wrapping all three jaws around it.
Fidget's eyes went wide as she realized that little tail maw had many rows of tiny little teeth, each pointed like a needle and lined by soft gums. She felt each one grab her clit and tug, something that probably was supposed to hurt but just felt like a dozen injections of pleasure all at once. Her flesh oozed viscous arousal all down Ceylon's wings and her depths constricted with each and every tug, loosening her up while also tightening her in waves, practically sucking the gryphon into her.
The intensity of the tail maw's teeth didn't last long, as Ceylon quickly peeled it off before having it lash around a bit more to find some other anchor to grip. What it found was not what Fidget expected, as the tip closed up once more to become tapered and it found the entrance to her urethra. She'd secreted so much fluids and her flesh and walls were so exhausted from the seemingly never-ending assault on her depths that the tail pushed in with the same ease as Leera diving into Fidget's pussy. The maw plunged all the way into her bladder and then opened up, serving as the anchor that the gryphon sought.
The pressure of the tail maw opening up in her just seemed to trigger another bout of deep-tissue pleasure, also unlocking another kink of hers in the process. She couldn't help but grip Ceylon's back end tightly, plunging her fingers in and out of the thick lips, her fingertips sliding over the floor of the gryphon's passage each time. This made Ceylon's entire back end tense up in orgasmic delight while at the same time stretching out each of her hind legs, streamlining her body.
Now a living dildo, Ceylon was in the perfect pose and position for Fidget to wrap fingers around her – those two still curled up around the haunches to part her lips – and thrust her in and out. Each time, Fidget pulled the gryphon a bit deeper, each thrust accompanied by a symphony of juicy squelches and subtle sputtering until only the gryphon's hind legs and tail remained outside of her. Well, her tail was entirely inside her urethra, but not lost to her pussy. Still swallowed by her lips with the curve of it tickling the underside of her clit.
Inside her womb, Leera tensed up every muscle as well, her tail still protruding from the cervix and wrapped around Ceylon's neck. This tension expanded the womb so Fidget looked pregnant for a few moments, sucking in air and dilating the cervix to tug Ceylon in with a series of deep lurches followed by the expulsion of that air. The anchor of the tail maw in Fidget's bladder broke and burst out, leaving a gush of female ejaculate to spatter all over her bed, leaving a distinct dark red line over the lighter red of the rest of the sheet.
This left only Ceylon's tail tip and toes still sticking out of her pussy, lips wrapped around all three appendages and her cavernous passage relaxed and opened to accommodate the squirming. Ceylon just kept kneading, twisting, and pressing out with their limbs, basically treating Fidget's pussy like a sleeping bag, each motion grinding against the walls and hitting all of her sweet spots.
She could have clenched and halted all of that movement – she had quite impressive muscles in her loins from the exercise and her many encounters – but she loved feeling her depths open up and show how malleable they were. It wasn't until she felt another deep lurch as Leera's tail tugged Ceylon in through her cervix that she involuntarily tensed up, her lips sealing shut and her back arching to collapse her walls to their fullest extent.
The mix of Leera's tug and her muscles gulping down forced Ceylon to slide deeper and deeper, wriggling all the way before her cervix descended and snatched her up.
All at once, every vestige of the gryphon was entombed in Fidget's womb, and right as her tail tip was sucked up, the cervix sealed off and her body shifted to keep both the primal creatures in her like her own. The pressure, the sensation of distention, and the release of friction along her rippled walls all at once shot a steady flow of pleasure out from her midsection to course through every muscle in her body. She flopped onto her side, jammed a hand between her leg to rub her clit, and wrapped her other hand around her haunches and under her tail to force a fist inside herself.
Everything worked together to have her twitch and collapse, falling off her bed in the process with one hand rubbing her clit and the other fisting from behind. This resulted in her being in the exact same position as the prior morning, on her knees with her chest and chin on the ground, breasts pressed to the carpet, and fang jabbing out with her rump end up and little bunny tail wagging in the air. She twitched and bucked her hips as orgasmic delight shot through her time and time again, eventually collapsing when she lost the last bit of her composure, pussy gushing ejaculate as her fist popped out.
The pressure on her lower belly was slightly uncomfortable but also deeply pleasant, her womb full of snake and gryphon and her pussy battered and sensitive. She rolled onto her back and saw that she had a subtle but visible bulge, looking pregnant. She still had her athletic abs, but it was raised in a maternal belly bump. Not what she expected, but not unwelcome.
Heaving and gasping for air, she looked up at Foxifly, who was waiting patiently atop her dresser, ankles crossed and grin broad across her face. She was leaning back on her large, top arms while her lower, smaller arms were crossed over her chest.
“For someone who was worried about all that, you took to stuffing yourself quite well.” She joked, buzzing happily as her wings started to flap rapidly. She hovered from her spot and came to land on Fidget's stumpy bunny nose. “But I can't think of many people I'd trust them with more than you.” Though it was subtle, Foxifly's tail seemed to be leaking some form of lightly blue fluid. Fidget didn't understand what this meant and didn't bother to ask.
Instead, she got up with Foxifly still on her snout, rolling to her hooves and stretching a bit. She smiled and did a few more stretches, bending over and twisting her body in every direction as the pleasure waves dissipated within her.
While Fidget did her stretches, Foxifly leapt up onto her antlers, reclining across them. She was very good at not speaking when it didn't feel appropriate, so she simply relaxed there.
“Thanks for that.” Fidget said while holding a pose. “No need to make things awkward.”
“Don't worry about me, I just have to keep an eye on our primal friends. You go about your day, if you need me I'm happy to talk. For now, I'll relax. Work for you?”
Fidget nodded and stepped out of her bedroom and into the dining room, where she made herself a tea and poured a tiny vial of potion into it. She got dressed in the same tight-fitting shorts and sports bra tank top, the ones that were still sweaty and smelling of sex from the day before, and hooked up her phone to her wireless ear buds. Once she left the house, she still didn't lock the doors but also didn't notice that there was a veritable swarm of Foxifly hiding in the trees and bushes nearby.
Her morning was exciting but in a very different way this time, as she jogged her favourite route only this time with a womb full of snake and gryphon, giving her a bulge that any of the folks that she encountered daily were able to notice. Like most days, she simply jogged past them and waved, focusing on the trail and the weather and her music more than what others thought.
Since this pregnancy was brought on not by mating but by unbirthing, it was very difficult to keep herself from succumbing to the perpetual sensations of pleasure brought on by the pressure of her womb descending. This wasn't like an egg snug inside her pussy, resting comfortably as deep as it would go and just beyond the part of her passage that was most sensitive and susceptible to any friction or pressure. This was her womb, a persistent sensation that bounced and shifted with every step.
By the time she got back to the bench overlooking the cliff she'd first found them, her crotch was dark with moisture, a wet spot spreading from her lips and trickling down her inner thighs.
While she wasn't entirely sure how this would work, she decided that it was best to return them to their natural habitat. Or at least leave them where she found them.
So, once she veered off the path and found a nice clearing nearby between the trail and the cliff, she hopped out of her shorts, squatted down, and relaxed as best she could. The writhing of Leera in her womb kept her aroused and her walls slick with excitement, so she had no problems giving birth to the cute little pair all at once. They came out together, with Ceylon sliding out beak first with Leera wrapped around her. Once they plopped in the puddle of birthing slime, they woke up and shook off, immediately reverting back to their feral behaviour.
Ceylon shook off the lubricant and darted up a tree, where Leera followed.
Foxifly thanked Fidget for all her help and flew away, leaving Fidget to slip back into her shorts and return to the trail. She was not one bit surprised to once again see visions of Ceylon and Leera in the trees on her route home. Only this time, rather than be confused and doubt herself she just started thinking up all the kinky things she could do with them next time.
They were temporarily strays, but they were familiars that she expected to enjoy quite thoroughly and repeatedly. There was nothing quite like living dildos, something she was learning very quickly. Especially since she felt so very empty all the way home. Lacking that internal hug that she'd enjoyed all the way back to the cliffs.
Her vacation had only just begun. She had so much more of herself to explore before she went back to work. Something told her Leera, Ceylon, and Foxifly were all going to factor heavily into those potential plans. In the mean time, she just had to make it home and see what came of that.