Artist's commentary
Familiar Strays (Part 1 of 2)
Artist/Foxifly - Foxra Foxra Foxifly Foxifly
Writing/Fidget/Ceylon/Leera - Runa216 Runa216
Part 1: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47832978/
Part 2: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/47833056/
So this was a vastly unique situation. Decided to do a quick little something in between commissions so I chose to do something personal to cleanse the palate. Well, turns out that last story really ruffled my feathers because this was done in 3 days.
It's also unique becuase the art was repurposed from an old commission. It's complicated, but a while back a friend commissioned a piece but then sold the character. So we changed the character in the art, and I wrote for that. IF that person (You know who you are) still wants me to write for the original piece, I'm happy to do so, just poke me somewhere and we can make a whole new story out of it.
As for the plot itself, well it's a 2-parter. It has Fidget on vacation looking for new ways to explore her kink and sexuality. While on a morning walk, she meets two little woodland creatures resembling people she knows! Well, what happens? you'll have to read. It's fun. Promise.
Haven't been this motivated for something since my "New Lives at Sea" Story from February. Makes me feel good for the future. Turns out writing about athletic ladies with cameltoe is a new kink of mine. Will have to put a pin in that and see what comes of it.
Familiar Strays
Time for a break. Fidget needed some time off only a few months after starting her new business as a postal service that specialized in exotic and magic-based goods. Mostly potions. She knew that it would be lucrative, but she had no idea how much her services would be in demand. Lots of people liked potions, but many were too remote to come get them from the sellers in town or were too shy to pick up the more intimate blends in person. So, after she set up a website where she'd collect anything and deliver it anywhere – even where traditional postal services didn't dare reach – she was inundated with a volume of business she wasn't ready to handle.
Almost all of her work involved potion delivery, but some of it also included shipping delicate relics and enchanted items as gifts to remote villages or hermits in the mountains. As a hybrid of bunny and deer, she had the nimble nature to dart through the underbrush quickly while also having the endurance to keep at a brisk pace for the majority of the day. And she did all her deliveries by hand, which meant she had a satchel or pack to contend with, as well.
The work was hard, it drained her, and it often kept her busy from dawn to dusk since there was always someone who wanted or needed her services. It was a good gig, but after only a few months she already needed to take a break and replenish her energy. In that five months, she was able to make enough money that she got herself a nice small home at the edge of town. She wanted to be able to get to the potion-selling shops she often worked with but didn't want the hustle and bustle of city living. She ended up with a lovely little cottage-style cabin nestled up against the southern edge of the Vast Emerald Wood, with a property that went just beyond the treeline.
She loved it. It was a perfect home for her. Not too big, plenty of underground space – both her deer and bunny halves loved the den-like comfort that came from a basement room – and a lovely but rather petite pool all surrounded by vegetable and flower gardens. It was all quite zen, which was what she needed. Up to that point she'd worked herself raw waking up first in the morning, checking her orders, going into town to pick up the goods, and then delivering them to a dozen different homes usually on the outskirts of town or beyond.
A vehicle took her from her home to the shops, then from her shops to the edge of town, but from there half of her job involved getting out and trail-walking or going off the beaten path to get to her destination. She had a solid mapping device and a phone that could track her as well, so she never got lost. Still, it was a lot of work and she was on her feet – hooves – at least half of her twelve-hour plus day. And keep in mind twelve hours in Klyneth was more than half the 20-hour day (And hours are about 50% longer on Dalon, so this is equal to an 18-hour day).
This, every day for five months. It was maddening, but she loved it. It was a lot of work and it'd kill most who did what she did, but she loved it. 'Do something you love, and you'll never work a day in your life' is not even remotely true, but it helps. Doing something you love for work means you're not miserable, but it's still work. So she forced herself to take a week off. That five months was coloured by her chipper, positive attitude and her inability to say no. All new opportunities excited her, which was a mentality she never lost, she just gained some perspective.
One of the best things about her job was the variety of fun folks she got to meet. Since she dealt almost exclusively with peculiarly enchanted items and potions, her clientele were regularly the most interesting people she could imagine. Her very first client was a bear fellow way out in the cottonwood – an enclosed area west of Klyneth – that protected the region. He actually got a collection of various potions from The Vore House of Klyneth and asked to try a few out while she was there. Just in case something went wrong and he needed to be taken back to Cottonwood Crescent (The nearby village).
He ended up the size of a small cat, and then ended up inside her. As in, he crawled up into her womb and curled up for the night. It actually messed up the following day's deliveries, but she was new and just getting her footing so she didn't mind too much. The following morning she gave rebirth to him and was on her way, having acquired a new fetish.
Turns out, she really liked having things inside her. A cock was nice, for sure, but the more the merrier and the deeper it was the better it felt. The potions she experimented with basically made her body adapt to whatever she needed it to, which meant that no fantasies were off the table. What started as a simple delivery service resulted in her being as interested in using the products as she was shipping them. Before long, she'd been introduced to a world of possibility, both kinky and practical.
For most of her life she was pretty vanilla, all things considered. You know, the basics. Vaginal only, preferably staying within her race to ensure nobody split her in half, vibrators and toys only when she had no other options. Honestly kind of boring but it kept her satisfied. The bunny part of her required frequent pleasure while the doe half was satisfied with less than a minute at a time. She was vanilla, but with practice she could completely get off in the time it took her to warm up a burrito. Not just surface-level orgasms, either. She was pretty sensitive. She'd do this a dozen times a day or more!
All that changed when she got into the potions business. She actually had a degree in alchemy from the Academy of Science and Magic, having been taught by Ilorek himself. She graduated but quickly learned that the world of academia was not for her. She was smart enough to be able to do it but that sort of mental toll was too much. It wasn't the job for her. Her family and friends were shocked when she turned down an internship in the labs there, but they were pretty respectful in the end.
Fidget was by no means a genius, but she was smart. Smart enough to graduate from an elite program but not top of her class. She was capable but lacked the desire to do that the rest of her life. So, while she learned a lot about the potions industry and the alchemy behind it, she wasn't interested in brewing them herself. She didn't want to be far from them, though. Her time working with Ilorek and Cero and Anax had opened her mind to the possibilities of what potions could do to make her life more interesting. Then, when The Vore House opened she realized just how much potential there was.
So she started using. Potions. Not drugs. There was a huge difference between the two although their effects were similar. Both forms of pharmaceuticals. Drugs were effective, but often altered one's body chemistry. One could develop resistances to drugs, requiring more and more in time. But they were relatively cheap and easy to manufacutre. Anyone could get a stiffy pill or antibiotics, but they weren't perfect and had downsides.
Potions, on the other hand, were far harder to create and manufacture and had few to no side effects except for those who's bodies rejected them. They were better, but as a result they were far more expensive. They also only had shelf-lives of up to a year, while chemical drugs could last decades if stored correctly. Mostly, enchanting the potions and not messing up the perfect blend of energies within them was incredibly difficult. Plus, the ademane needed to create the potions in the first place was limited and therefore in high demand.
All people had ademane in their system, the substance responsible for magic. All people had at least some magical potential. Not everyone had great amounts of potential and fewer were capable of utilizing it, but it was there. Ademane could be extracted from some plants and even found in crystal or gel form in the wild, but the purity was inconsistent or the potentcy was weak. That's why powerful mages often donated ademane like they would blood. It was an interesting and lucrative business, one Fidget needed to observe from the sidelines.
See, she had a lot of magic potential, but very little ademane in her system. She never learned to cast spells or manipulate energy, but she was very receptive to potion effects. So, while a 'durable flesh' potion might be mildly effective on a normal person, it made her nearly invincible. A growth potion might make the average person gain a half meter or something, she could grow to the size of a tree. Stamina potions might give the average person a few hours, it could last her days.
So, while she lacked innate abilities, she had infinitely more potential, which was triggered by the use of potions. The perfect blend of this meant that she was a perfect test subject for small volumes of potion in the lab where she was supposed to work. The blend of intellectual curiosity and her natural potency put her in a perfect position to try it all.
These factors worked together to make her a perfect candidate for her job. She studied alchemy in school, she had a strong relationship with the lab techs she shared a classroom with and would have been her coworkers had she pursued that career path, and her body was naturally responsive to potions. She didn't want to focus on the academic part of that industry, but she didn't want to be far from it and quickly developed a taste for only the best potions.
Which was why she worked closely with NoThEn Labs, the Vore House, and The Potion Guild: Klyneth Chapter. Those were the three most prolific and reliable potion makers. And her taste mixed with her body's response to the potions meant that she went from a vanilla gal to someone who would do just about anything as long as there was a potion for it. Even the weird stuff. Very little was out of range, and a lot of the most outlandish stuff started with that first experience with unbirthing and rebirthing that cute bear in the Cottonwood.
Her life of adventurous exploration was in its first act, but that didn't mean she had to keep going. After five months of trying anything with anyone who would ask, she needed to take a week to catch up. Her body may have been very receptive to potions, but she still needed to feed her body the energy needed to do the things it did. She still needed to eat a bunch and take supplements after.
And none of that stopped her from going on walks. She was supposed to be vacationing, relaxing at home and not hiking out to the far reaches of the forest, but she couldn't help herself. She loved the walks. She loved nature. She loved meeting people. She did wish she had a pet or something to take with her, but her job kept her away from home for too long and she couldn't bring herself to do that to anyone. It wasn't right to keep pets at home with nobody there to give them attention.
Every morning she'd wake up at the crack of dawn, mostly out of habit, and go for a nice long walk that could take her hours. There was this trail she walked that took her from her home and into the Vast Emerald Wood to the north through the bike trails, then do a sort of side path that wasn't paved but was well worn from many people walking it. This path took her near the cliffs overlooking the southern shore of Great Sapphire Lake, a view she couldn't help but stop and enjoy every time.
This trek was a long one, but since she wasn't carrying anything on her person and could handle the endurance either way, it was pretty simple. Only, on this day, she was met with something she didn't expect. This day, which started normally, ended with her in a compromising situation.
Fidget's ear flicked as a fly landed on it. The morning sunlight lanced in through her window and onto her chest, warming her. She was laying on top of her red velvet sheets, limbs splayed out and tongue lolled out. It was a warm day, and all of her fur was matted and bent out of shape. The thick mane around her neck was an absolute mess, but she didn't care. Once she rolled over onto her belly, her tiny wings stretched out and she did her best to adjust the feathers. She was a mess, but that wasn't a problem. It was dawn, of course she was a mess.
She rolled out of bed and onto her hooves, kneading them into the carpet as her stumpy bunny tail wagged on her sheets. With a yawn and a stretch, she got up and bent over, legs straight and hands around her ankles. Her wings extended and her ears splayed out, tensing up every muscle in her body for a full minute as she let her body adapt. This was a good way to start the day, the last thing she needed was poor posture or stiff muscles.
Once she was done, she stood back up and twisted herself from side to side, then eventually made her way to the bathroom. There, she ran a brush through her fur, adjusted her feathers, and put everything in place. With a thumbs-up to herself in the mirror, she smiled and exposed her broken canine fang, huffing a laugh before making her way to the kitchen.
Her home was a single story. No second floor, but a basement that was twice as big as ground level. The main floor had her bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen/dining room combo as well as a mudroom out front and a greenhouse-styled room leading to the back yard. The basement had her rec room, living room, kink room, a larger bathroom, and a bar. She didn't drink, but the few amenities there made it so that she could host guests and make simple dishes like nachos and stuff.
In the kitchen, she made herself a quick cup of tea with a tiny bit of potion mixed in instead of milk. The potion was a very basic blend, one she took every morning that basically functioned as a low-level body modification that basically made it so that her bowels remained clean all day. As an herbivore she was not known to be messy, but the potion basically made sure that she was ready for anything, should an opportunity arise. It also adjusted her body's malleability. Also in case she ended up with an opportunity she couldn't pass up.
It was a pretty gross thing to think about, but the more she adapted and the better she got at keeping a routine with it, the easier it made her life. This way she could do anal any time without worries about the less savoury aspects of it. She was up for anything but that didn't mean she actually liked everything and she knew her partners weren't either.
She smiled while sipping her tea and looking out the front window, still fully nude. Her hoof tapped on the ground all the while, as she was preparing herself for another wonderful day. Once she was done, she rinsed her cup out, gave it a very basic clean, and placed it on a rack.
Back in her room, she slipped into some tight fitting running shorts and a sporty tank top. If she was going to be hiking and jogging most of the day, she wasn't going to be messing around with much else. She wasn't the most busty gal out there, but she still needed a sports bra to press her chest tight to better maintain her posture. On an unrelated note, she also chose to go without any panties. The tight-fitting running shorts were enough. It did mean that some people could see her mound through the fabric, but she made a conscious effort to go as far north as she could; if she saw anyone at all this early in the morning that far away from town, she'd be surprised.
Of course she was still a creature of habit. The moment she pulled those shorts up and the seam split her between the lips and pressed to her clit she got that familiar feeling coursing through her loins. At this point it was a tradition, so she squatted down next to her bed, pulled the leg of the shorts up past her thigh and to the side to expose herself, then slipped a pair of fingers between her lips. Despite just waking up, she was gloriously messy in all the right ways, her pussy soaked and slick inside and out.
Her fingers were often enough, but that didn't mean she wasn't fond of doing all she could to really start her day off well. Her dresser was right next to her bed; in the top drawer was a vibrating, silicone egg. Not just any egg, either, a pretty big one. It was about the size of her fist with a cord out the end connected to a controller with a few buttons on it that could control the frequency and intensity of the vibrations.
Fidget loved eggs. For some reason, bunnies were associated with eggs in the region even though they were not egg-layers. It was some springtime tradition, associating the traditionally prolific species with those that would lay dozens of eggs at a time. The history didn't matter, what mattered was that Fidget was a fan of eggplay; in fact, it was the kinkiest thing she was into prior to expanding her horizons with the potion play that defined much of her adult life.
The silicone egg had a subtle film on it from the prior night's activities. It wasn't gross or anything, but it still had a bit of dried lube on it that got plenty slick the moment she touched the egg. Since her loins were moist as could be, and she was able to collect a bit of it between her fingers, it was no effort at all to smear that arousal on the egg before bringing it to her lips. The lubrication on it meant she nearly fumbled and dropped it, but she caught it before it hit the ground.
While still in a squatting position, she started grinding the egg against her plump lips, the shell texture pleasuring her and stimulating her in a subtle way that kept her on the verge of climax without actually finishing her up.
She knew she wasn't going to be here long, so she grunted and pushed down, her depths collapsing so that her cervix descended and kissed the crown of the egg without escaping her. A good push meant her pussy was only a few centimetres deep, but it also meant that there were no bends or twists in her passage, meaning her lips practically expanded to wrap around the egg.
With that, she felt the girth of the egg lurch into her, pressed tight to her cervix and stretching her out from inside. Her lips sealed beyond it, leaving only the power cord to the controller dangling out of her, while her pelvic muscles clenched to swallow it as deep as it would go.
Months of practice meant that she was able to use the strength of her loins to push that egg deep, so deep that when she went to slip her fingers back into herself she couldn't even feel the berth of its blunt end. Her pussy was stretched long and wide, a comfortable, cozy, and snug place to keep the egg. Eager to continue, she took in a few breaths and grabbed the controller, turning the vibration onto its lowest settings; she could feel it but it was more like a hum than a vibration.
Once she was ready, she tensed up her loins to hold the egg in place while grunting and pushing down, squeezing it from both ends while slowly turning the dial to increase the intensity of the vibrations. It shifted ever so subtly deep in her passage, barely moving but grinding in a way that felt like every twitch of her muscles was another full-bodied thrust,
All the while she remained perched precariously on her hooves; she had immaculate balance, but as the intensity and frequency of the egg increased, her breaths grew increasingly ragged and she struggled more and more with staying up. She used her free hand to grab the lip of her dresser while her other hand to mess around with the dials and switches on the vibe's controller. Once the settings swapped from a steady grind to a throbbing pulsation, she couldn't help but cry out in delight, dropping the controller and covering her mouth to keep herself from making too much noise.
As the egg continued to assault her flesh from within, she found her thighs twitching and her knees threatening to give out. Her entire lower body was heaving in waves alongside every built-up throb and pulsation of the vibrations. Once she got control of the chattering whimpers that bubbled up in the back of her throat, she slid her hand down past her chest and between her legs, rubbing her lips up and down before eventually coming to rest with two fingers cradling her clit.
Rather than rub or grind, she just pressed down like she was holding a button. The added pressure not only passed through her body to press the internal flesh of her clit – the most sensitive part of her inner workings – against the crest of the egg. This not only gave her a subtle bit of friction pleasure but also ensured that the resonant vibrations of the egg lanced through every bit of her erogenous tissue, making her anterior wall swell and her depths to fill with fluid.
The pressure and the heat of the friction and the sensation of being filled was enough to make her lose her balance and fall on her chest with a wail of pleasure, twangs of energy coursing up her spine and through her midsection. The continued vibraton rocked her flesh, making every muscle in her legs and belly twitch uncontrollably, her spine bucking instinctively and her tail wagging excitedly. Her breaths grew ragged and into a series of whimpers as she bit down on the rug with both her broken and chipped fangs, chin on the ground and chest pressed to the carpet while her rump remained aimed up and her legs spread to alleviate the pressure on her insides.
If she brought her knees in, it'd just accentuate the girth of the egg inside her. So that's exactly what she did. She slowly let her hand drop from her clit, grabbed the controller, gradually lowered all the settings so that it was off, and then pulled her pants back over so that they were positioned normally with the cord hanging out and down the pant leg by her inner thigh. She had to do some adjustment so that the cord couldn't be seen – the running shorts were the furred equivalent of skintight – and slipped it around the crease where her thigh met her hip, leaving it to dangle out the top, where she slipped it into her pocket. Only then did she bring her legs in and stumble as she stood up.
Her head was light with the post-orgasm bliss that coursed through her, leaving her dizzy for a moment before catching herself and shaking it off. The egg was still inside her but it was so deep that she barely felt it. She could feel the pressure, but given her experience with bigger partners and her lifelong obsession with eggplay, her depths were adjusted so she barely noticed it. No different than other things that might get left inside once a month.
Once she had her composure, she wiggled her fingers, grabbed her hoof behind her rump to stretch, and was ready to go. There was no reason to clean up the gooey mess from her orgasm; She loved the sticky sweet sensation of it, especially with blended with just a hint of groin sweat. There was something exceptionally arousing about basking in one's own aura, especially when it moistened her shorts and was unable to escape. Being omnisexual meant there were not many things she didn't find at least a little bit arousing. The smell of her natural fluids and sweat was pretty high on the list.
She grabbed her phone and wireless ear buds – a pair specifically designed for bunny ears – and headed out. It was time to go. Her morning ritual was complete, now she just had to make the most of her day. And what a day it was going to be.
Outside, she didn't even bother locking her door. She was so far away from town and she had no real reason to be worried about anything like that. As a home where only a bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and mudroom/greenhouse could be seen on the main floor, she didn't have anything worth stealing. That, and burglary wasn't really a common issue in the area. Not that it didn't happen, but it was early and it was rare. Even if someone wanted to rob her, they wouldn't do it at dawn.
If a criminal was that motivated, they would be able to get gainful employment. Klyneth was pretty progressive and there were ways to work with the system.
She opened up her phone, scrolled through her playlist, and put it on random. Much to a lot of people's surprise, she was more into sub-genres of metal than the dance and EDM that most people assumed she'd like. Not that she was against the synthetic pop genres, but she loved something with a bit more heft. A bit more aggression. Sure, she often looked bubbly and typical on the outside – the vanilla lifestyle up to that point didn't help with that image – but inside she was hardcore.
Some of that came from her athletic lifestyle. Fidget had a really well-toned body and she got that from running and jogging all day, a slammin' metal track was far more fun to run to than something she'd hear in a club. Both had similarly throbbing beats, but she knew what she liked. And of those metal sub-genres, she liked progressive and symphonic style. You know, the kinds of heavy metal that you could actually understand the lyrics and had a violin or keyboard rocking out as hard as the drums.
This kept her on high energy for the entire duration of her trip, which was one heck of a long walk. Even lightly jogging she was looking at a three to five hour trek.
The first leg of her path was pretty boring. She had to make her way through the edge of suburbia to get to the entrance of the bike trail. She probably could just leave out her back yard and go from there, but she was trying to avoid roughing it and there were no trails there. It wouldn't kill her to jog down the sidewalk for a few minutes. Along the way she saw a mother walking her pet dragon, who was flutter-walking with her.
Of course, Fidget had to ask if the dragon was friendly. It was, so she knelt down and gave it a pet before moving on. More mothers and fit fathers jogging nice and early, all doing their own routes around suburbia. Boring, but that's fine. Once she reached the entrance to the Vast Emerald Wood, she cranked the tunes and picked up the pace, eager to really have some fun.
The path was gorgeous, as always. There weren't many clouds in the sky, but the Vast Emerald Wood was particularly dense , ensuring that little sunlight made it to the ground unimpeded. A lot of the trees had moss and vines growing all over them, which was why it got the moniker of the Vast Emerald Wood. It was not only the largest forest in the world, but almost all of it was a bright and vibrant emerald green dotted with flowers of all colours. The leaves were green, the ferns were green, the mosses were green, and the vines were green, giving it a distinct look and feel.
It also meant that it was humid as her crotch. Just muggy all the way from the southern border of the forest to the cliffs at the northern edge. She ran up and down hills, over bridges, through a valley, over rivers, and followed creeks all the way north. There were a few camps and parks dotted along the way, but aside from a few folks who were still sleeping in tents, she didn't see much activity.
The morning buzz of bugs and the chirp of birds was so intense that she could hear it through her headphones. Then again, she didn't have the noise-cancellation turned on. With ears as big as hers, some of the outside noise was going to be heard. So she kept the mode on that made it so that the ambient noise could be heard, that way if someone biked past her and rang a bell or called out for her, she could respond accordingly. It wasn't something that happened often but when it did, it made her heart jump up into her throat.
Like every other morning walk, things were quite nice! No incidents, very little in terms of having to deal with other people, and plenty of wildlife in the trees and basking on the trail and chirping at her. It was exactly what she planned on, until she found herself distracted by the view overlooking the cliffs to gaze out upon Great Sapphire Lake.
The region was quite distinct and historically significant. Klyneth, Cottonwood Crescent, The Vast Emerald Wood, Great Sapphire Lake, and the mountain range known as the 'Cradle of Dalon' were all easily identified. The cradle of Dalon was the world's tallest mountain range, said to be where civilization began and where the gods of olde-tyme religion lived. To the east of it, connected directly to the edge of that mountain range was Great Sapphire Lake. The plateau atop the Cradle of Dalon dropped off vertically, making some think that the rest of that mountain range literally fell into Great Sapphire Lake. This was also why the lake was so deep, its shores so steep.
Both The Cradle of Dalon and Great Sapphire Lake were surrounded entirely by the Vast Emerald Wood; one couldn't access either of them without going through the Vast Emerald Wood. Connected to the southwest edge of the Cradle of Dalon was the crater-shaped mountain range holding Cottonwood Crescent, which also housed the Cottonwood – a distinctly white and crystalline forest – which was part of the Vast Emerald Wood. On the South east edge of the Vast Emerald Wood was Klyneth, the largest and oldest city in the world.
There was a reason this was such a hub for activity. It was where history was said to have begun, it has the tallest mountain, the deepest lake, and the largest forest as well as the highest population and the most unique geography.
She loved it there.
So, after a couple hours of quick jogging north from her home in the suburbs, following the paved bike path through the forest, she emerged atop a cliff overlooking the southern shores of Great Sapphire Lake. The water was crystalline blue, dark as azure, but clear as the sky. It was a gorgeous lake and one of the only places nearly untouched by pollution. There were camps lining its shores and dotting the pathways that snaked through the surrounding woods, but the local government was aggressive about keeping the place clean. Which was nice.
Though she didn't want to stop, Fidget seriously considered taking a moment to sit on a bench overlooking the cliff. She knew if she got off her feet she might not have the mojo to get back up and finish her walk, yet the humidity was sapping a lot of energy out of her and she was seriously considering it. That was until she saw something interesting happening on one of the branches draped over the edge of the cliff.
It was a tiny gryphon, no larger than a house cat and marked with black and white stripes and spots. It was the same coloration and pattern as Ceylon, the biped CEO of NoThEn Labs – one of the companies she delivered potions for – and it looked like it was warding off an attack from a dark brown and cream coloured snake, about the size of a small python or boa. The snake was coiled around the base of the tree branch, anchoring itself and striking at the gryphon while the gryphon hissed and batted it away. The snake's colours looked familiar but she couldn't quite fit it.
The empathetic part of her wanted to intervene, to save the gryphon from the snake. However, the logical side of her – the part of her that knew better – opted to stay out of it. The circle of life was very real and feral gryphons were just as likely to prey on snakes as snakes were to prey on them. It was none of her business, and neither were endangered so she had no stake in the battle. Plus, they both looked like they were exactly the right balance of sizes, either one could be the predator or prey.
Still, she couldn't help but stare. She was transfixed by the fight. In a sort of morbid way. She kind of wanted to see who won, even if the outcome would not be something she enjoyed either way.
As she leaned against the back of the bench, both the snake and the gryphon stopped their fight and turned to look at her. The gryphon's expression shifted from aggressive to interest, and the snake went from hissing with intense eyes to dilated pupils and a flicking tongue of curiosity. The snake remained anchored by the tail as it extended itself down toward Fidget. Then, as she reached out to see if it was going to strike, the gryphon leapt onto the snake and pranced down its spine like it was a branch. Strangely, neither of them seemed to mind the other.
“Huh. That's odd. You friends or something?” She asked, not actually expecting an answer. And while she was alone, she still felt foolish for asking. What a silly thing to ask. Of course they weren't friends, yet they were not fighting anymore and seemed to be working together to reach out.
Fidget was by no means some flower child or environmentalist. She loved animals, she loved the environment, and she loved affection, but she wasn't one of those people who thought she was special or that the laws of the jungle didn't apply to her. She knew if she got too close, she was probably gonna get stricken by a snake or chomped by a gryphon beak. So she was very slow and very deliberate in her movement as she got closer.
And yet, when she extended her hand to the snake's head where the gryphon was delicately balancing, she was shocked that the gryphon actually leapt off the snake and onto her outstretched hand! She didn't expect that and still sort of expected some sort of aggression, but she was shocked to see that no such thing happened. Not only did the gryphon dart up her arm and come to sit on her opposite shoulder, but the snake stretched out by getting out of its zig-zag formation and anchored itself around her wrist before letting go of the branch and wrapping around her arm. There, it slithered up her arm and flopped a few coils around her neck, draped over her shoulder and anchored around her bicep.
She just blinked, heart racing and chest heaving. Despite having jogged or ran he last two hours or so, it was only now that her pulse was so intense that her loins throbbed and she was reminded of the egg inside her. “Well, okay then! So what's going on now? Are you two gonna fight on me or something? If so, then I guess there's nothing I can do.” Unsure how to continue, she gently stepped around the bench and sat down, relaxing upon the back rest with her arms out to give the two creatures some support and stability.
To her surprise, the gryphon just hopped off her shoulder and landed on her lap, playfully clawing her thighs while hopping from leg to leg. At the same time, the snake extended so that half its body was on the left shoulder and the other half was on the right. It was then, as she glanced from one side to the other to get a good look at the snake that she realized who their patterns reminded her of. It was Leera! The owner and operator of The Vore House! Well, her non-display colours.
Leera Ssevarine was a rather massive naga, easily 20 meters long or more, and she was a star attraction at The Vore House. While working there or putting on shows, she had a distinct green, yellow, blue, and red coloration, all bold primary colours that really made her stand out. That was just for marketing, though. She used potions of her own to change her colours from her more muted, natural colours. When not working, she had the exact same creamy yellow belly, the chocolate or chestnut brown scales, and the golden brown patches and swirls around her.
What irony that she's come across to cute little creatures that resembled two of the people she tangentially worked for. The gryphon resembled Ceylon and the snake resembled Leera. “That's what I'll call you, then!” she said, patting the gryphon and stroking the snake. “You're Ceylon, and you're Leera! At least until I go home and never see you again.” For all intents and purposes she was speaking to herself and didn't expect any sort of response.
But Ceylon chirped and stood defiantly on her lap, chest puffed out and wings partially spread. Their beak was agape and their pupils dilated, so it was clear that they weren't angry. It was kind of cute, until they stopped and sniffed the air and then started pecking at and stroking Fidget's belly fur.
“Alright, alright. None of that.” She joked, playfully pushing the gryphon away as she laughed a bit. “Careful where you put that beak.”
Clearly not impressed, the gryphon grabbed her hand with both front talons and chomped down on her finger. Not aggressively, or they would have drawn blood, but very playfully. At the same time, Leera slithered down to join the gryphon, nestling in the crook between Fidget's groin and thighs. Clearly the snake wanted some of that warmth. And Fidget's loins were still sweltering hot from the exercise and the lingering arousal that never fully went away since slipping the egg inside her.
It was clear that both of these cute creatures were in a playful mood and had taken to her, so she played back. She pretended to grab and strike Ceylon while petting Leera all the way from head to tail with just two fingers running down her spine. It made her happy to see the snake's body press back in a wave going the same speed, accentuating the sensation of her finger tips on scales. Ceylon played back, fake pecking and nipping at Fidget without drawing blood, despite having a very sharp, curved beak.
All was going well at first. Fidget was enjoying a lovely bit of a break as far away from her home as she could go without dipping her feet in Great Sapphire Lake, and the two creatures were enjoying her company and stealing her warmth. It was cute, and Fidget enjoyed the affection more than she expected. She really needed some pets.
But as she was about ready to get back up to finish her walk, Ceylon rolled onto their back to expose their belly, revealing that this gryphon was clearly female. No sheath, just a big, plump set of lips that were moist and oozing a thick slimy mess. Not only was she female, but she must have been in heat. Perhaps that was why they were being so affectionate.
Fidget only had the will to give the kitty-sized gryph a bit of a belly rub, using her finger tips to stroke Ceylon's fur and feathers while deliberately avoiding the fleshy mound closest to her and the snake. At the same time, Leera did this full-bodied coil-flip, where she remained in a coiled position nestled between her thighs while flipping upside down to reveal her cloaca was just as puffy and moist as Ceylon's.
“Alright you two, none of that. You are a couple of weird animals. But I think it's time for me to go.” She patted Ceylon and tried to slip her hand in between Leera and her groin to flip the snake over, but Ceylon resisted and bit her on the wrist, forcing her to pull back. Still didn't break the skin but definitely hurt this time. “Hey!”
Before she could brush the pair of them off her lap, Ceylon leapt forward and wrapped her front talons around Fidget's midsection like a hug, her beak chin resting between Fidget's compressed breasts so that she was looking up with the cutest puppy dog eyes. Leera then uncoiled and slithered up Ceylon's back so that her chin was on Ceylon's forehead and they were both looking at her.
“Okay, that's too cute, and you got me. Alright, I'll stick around a bit, but I can't stay forever.” She then stroked Leera down Ceylon's back, nestling a thumb in between them so both got to feel her affection. It made her giggle a bit since she felt like she was masturbating the snake's neck and upper body. Didn't stop her from doing it, but it did make her take note of how she was treating them.
Before she could give Ceylon a bit more attention, the gryphon took a moment to flop back down on all fours and wedge their curved beak in between the waist band of her shorts and her toned abs, wiggling and clawing like she was trying to force her way in!
There was a brisk moment of excitement that was quickly squashed as she pulled Ceylon up off her lap, barely stopping the bird before her beak did damage to her shorts. “You must really be-”
She was cut off by the sensation of a snake's body coiling around her upper thighs and worming its way up her short leg. When she looked down she could see the s-shaped bends in the serpent's body, thanks to how fur-tight the pant legs were. Again, the excitement took her for a moment and she was about to break out of it in order to pull the snake out of her shorts but the gryphon's flailing managed to hit a button on the remote in her pocket, turning the vibrating egg on while it was still deep inside her.
Figet's throat clenched and her lower body tightened up as the resonant vibrations coursed through her lower body. Both the snake and the gryphon paused to cock their head to the side, confused by the sound and sensations coming from her loins. Before long, both were on her lap, one on either thigh, enraptured by her vibrating flesh.
Leera coiled up close again, having pulled herself out of Fidget's pant leg while Ceylon sat on her mound. As in, sitting in her lap so that the gryphon's plump pussy lips were pressed right against the impression of Fidget's mound pressing out against her tight pants. Pussy to pussy, Ceylon started grinding against Fidget, gently bucking and gyrating her hips while glancing back with beak agape in delight. Fidget was a little sweaty from the run and still a little moist with lingering arousal, so she was dampening her pants from that side while the estrus gryphon was smearing her juices from the outside. Between the two of them, the crotch of her shorts was soaked and partially see-through, revealing the subtle tones of pink through the dark fabric.
She could have shut the egg off. She could have pushed the gryphon away. She could have grabbed Leera and placed her to the side, but she did none of that. The gryphon scissoring and the vibrating of the egg and the intense massaging she was getting from Leera's half-constrictions was just too nice to stop, so she instead opted to simply enjoy it while it lasted. With any luck, the two little creatures would get what they wanted from her and would fly and slither away.
In the mean time, she got a little curious. Ceylon was clearly in a mood, so she laid both of her hands on the gryphon's haunches with her fingers kneading and caressing her furred half and under the wing tips while her thumbs wrapped around her hind legs, tips sliding up and down each of her lips. She paused to see how Ceylon reacted, and when the gryphon started purring while laying flat on their chest between her thighs, hindquarters up and tail flipped over her back, she continued.
Ceylon was presenting to her, practically begging for release. As a bunny who got aroused and needed relief many times a day, she was more than happy to do what she could to help. So, with her palms on either of the gryhon's haunches, she slid her thumbs up and down the avian's lips to test and tease before slipping a digit in. To her surprise, Ceylon's passage was snug but elastic, allowing for her to enter without much resistance followed by a tight grip that clenched around her knuckle. When Ceylon pushed back, arching her back and grinding to thrust back, she pushed her thumb in as deep as it would go, all the way to the base.
And yet, Ceylon wanted more. The little gryphon dipped the small of her back and tensed up all the muscles in her back end to slim up and tighten around her, all while her little clit rolled and throbbed against her thumb. There was a steady stream of clear slime trickling out over that winking clit, the bridge of it linking to a spot on the mound of her own jogging pants right where her clit was.
At the same time, the vibrating of the egg was keeping her so aroused that she was producing enough of her own mess that her throbbing mound was actually making the slime bubble and spatter from her camel toe, soaking Leera in the process.
Curious and now more than overwhelmed by all this, her arousal took over and she slipped a second thumb into Leera from her other hand, finding the gryphon's passage to be easily impregnable, the flesh stretching with ease to allow her to get both down to the knuckles. She bent each of her thumbs, using the tips to grind and spread the gryphon's anterior walls, the motions sucking in bits of air that were quickly expelled when Ceylon clenched up and pushed down in delight.
Both of her thumbs were buried deep, and when she went to pull them apart she was delighted to see the gryphon's lips spread open and gape all the way to her womb. The angle of her body let light in and Fidget could see the deep pink of her walls and the swollen donut that was her cervix. That sort of gape was begging to be filled, so she wanted to see just how much the gryphon could take.
She kept her one thumb inside, tugging to the side to keep the passage gaped and distorted in that direction while using her other hand to slip one, and then two fingers into the kitty-sized bird. There was little to no resistance, and as she curled her fingers down to stroke Ceylon's anterior wall, that was the bottom closest to her belly, it was clear the gryphon was loving every second of it. There was a steady, never-ending stream of bubbly, clear fluid seeping out, a liquid arousal that soaked her digits and dribbled down Fidget's wrists, joining the rest of the mess against her mound.
Two fingers wasn't giving any trouble, so she slipped a third and then a fourth in as well, all while keeping the thumb of her other hand tugging on the wall to keep it dilated as far as it would go. The gryphon's passage knew no bounds and was still gaped open a bit, letting a bit of air in every time Ceylon breathed only to have it all pushed out when she clenched her walls and leaned back with a delighted grunt and chirp.
It was a heck of a stretch, but she brought her thumb from the hand with four fingers already buried in gryphon pussy in as well, nestling it in where the first thumb was prying the lips to the side. She kept the second thumb in and started pushing, her hand soaked in gryphon arousal with all four finger tips and thumb tip converged at a single point, twisting back and forth to smear the lube all over Ceylon's plump lips. Nothing was dry on that bird's butt or her hand all the way to the wrist, so with a few more pushes and twists, she felt the avian's flesh stretch out and swallow her knuckles with one juicy gulp, sucking her in to the wrist with ease she didn't think possible even with the aid of potions.
The gryphon let out a long, pleasured trill while all her feathers stood on end and her flesh undulated around Fidget's hand, the lips sucking on her wrist and clit winking against the tendons that flexed along the underside of her forearm. She could feel the supple, soaking wet flesh massaging her, so much so that it actually seemed to make her joints feel more relaxed than she could ever have imagined. Like a therapeutic partial unbirthing!
But that wasn't enough. It looked like it was way too much, but it was only the beginning for Fidget. With her whole hand inside but stretched out so all her fingers in a point, she reached out and traced a few circles around the creature's cervix before flexing her digits and stroking her tips along Ceylon's anterior wall, eventually balling up a fist inside and pushing her arm deeper.
There was an audible squelch as more air was sucked in to make up the difference then pushed back out when Ceylon bared down and sat on her wrist, walls collapsing around her. She was whimpering and chattering her beak, grinding her hips and gyrating in between subtle motions that rocked her back and forth, tugging on the girth of the fist. It was like a knot, almost, balled up and nestled inside in a way that ensured it could twist and plunge deeper but not come out.
So that's what Fidget did. She pushed in and Ceylon braced to push back, somehow swallowing a third of her forearm while her black-fleshed lips winked and stretched to take it all. Then, once she got as deep as she could go, Ceylon pulled away so that the fist was tugging on her flesh from inside, lodged in place but not coming out.
Fidget flexed her hand as best she could, ensuring it stayed solid as she twisted inside, grinding her knuckles against Ceylon's every wall, occasionally kneading some glands inside that made Ceylon squirt more mess down her forearm to add to the pool on her mound, where Leera was now tightly coiled to the best of her ability. Fidget was barely even paying attention to the snake, as she was simply relaxing in her lap, barely getting in the way while the gryphon presented and tugged and had fun.
This was fine. Fidget loved the feeling of Ceylon's flesh wrapped tight around her fist and tugging on her wrist. She clenched up, twisted to please the bird, and lightly punched in to get a subtle but intense-feeling thrust into the avian's depths. And clearly Ceylon loved it because she was pushing back and pulling away to make every tug and thrust even more intense.
She couldn't help but slip a hand down her pants to tease her clit, pressing it down to amplify the sensation of the vibrating egg inside her while also doing all she could to keep as much attention on Ceylon's depths. So there she was, one hand in her pants and soaked in her own fluids and the other buried in gryphon pussy, her breaths getting ragged as the vibrations inside her seeming to resonate throughout her entire body.
That was when Leera broke her coil formation to slither in Fidget's pants next to her hand, using the little crook to worm her way in and ball herself up around her fingers and even slip a bit of her tail inside her pussy next to the cord connected to the egg.
All of that at once was too much. Fidget never lasted long and this was no exception. The vibrations, her own pressure applied from outside and the pressure inside, the sensation of her one hand smothered in snake scales and the other swallowed by gryphon flesh, it was all too much. She threw her head back and let the pleasure course through her as she kicked the ground with a hoof, fluttered her wing behind her, and let her tail wag fervently. She twitched, she thrust into her own hand, and she tugged violently on Ceylon's pussy, her fist still knotted to the tiny bird's loins.
Seemingly on command, Ceylon collapsed forward, her depths loosening and then pushing down to force the balled fist out of her with a squelching pop! Her slit remained gaped, a perfect dewdrop of pink lined by glistening black before having the cavern seal up and return to its proper form once more. There were a few winks to put everything back in place, then Ceylon leapt off her lap.
While she laid there, splayed out and overwhelmed, Leera slithered out of her pants and joined Ceylon on the ground in front of her. Ceylon chirped, Leera hissed with a peculiar, gape-mawed grin, and then both darted out to climb back up the tree.
This left Fidget with her head flipped over the back of the bench, hand down her pants and a deep hum emanating from inside her. She used her other hand to try to get the controller for the egg, fumbling a bit due to the post-orgasm shudders and the goopy mess left on that hand from Ceylon's cunt. Once she got it shut off, she pulled her other hand out of her pants and flopped back, relaxing in place while she waited for her strength to recover.
Shots of pleasure continued to course through her loins as the throbbing tenderness of her flesh kept her distracted. So distracted that she didn't even notice when a stallion and gazelle couple came jogging up behind her, stopping to get a picture over the cliff. By the time she noticed them, she could see them glancing back and trying to avoid her gaze since her crotch was soaked in slimy mess and her legs were parted, exposing herself fully.
Not only was she wet all up and down her inner thighs and mound, but the moisture in her shorts meant that the fabric left nothing to the imagination. They could clearly see her swollen lips and throbbing clit as well as the subtle bulge given off by the egg inside and the clearly defined line that was the cord. They knew. But she didn't bother trying to hide it.
The stallion and gazelle took their pictures and went on their merry way, which was luckily the way she came from. She was doing a loop in the other direction. A few minutes later, Fidget got up and continued on her path, the lingering memory and sensation from the cute little experience a lovely way to start her day.