Artist's commentary
[$] Chicken Dinner (2/2)
They're all has been devoured? Nooo, she's just a hefty kitsune that happened to sleep nearby^^😇
Part 2 of this mini series featuring Fayanna Fayanna ! And it was such a pleasure working with her^^
This is:
[Part 1]!
>>[Part 2]<<
Also thank you, for your support!!
And with your help - Azriel66 ($5), Tufufig ($3), Gingerdabber ($5), Kiruriru ($10), Mysteryman302 ($10), Shadow3Hunter ($100) and Fayanna ($190) for your incredible financial support!!! I can finally buy myself a CSP EX❤️❤️❤️
And that's all I wanted to say, byeee^^