Artist's commentary
[CA] In The Wolf Mother's Den
I can't even find the proper words to express my love and fondness for this one...
I was talking to aoinobroome aoinobroome a while back about his art and telling him how much I loved it, as well as his more recent drawing of the polar bear. Much to my surprise, they eventually sent a reply stating they would accept a commission request from me. We both came to an agreement to have Claude drawn pleasuring a larger beast woman (as Claude loves to do), plus I even mentioned her being a beast milf, and this is the end result! I gave him a fair bit of freedom for this piece and the return was beyond expectations. There is literally nothing I do not love about this drawing!
A commission from Masakado, and now a commission from Aoino Broome... I am very honored and happy.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
(And a HUGE thank you to the artist for allowing me ownership of the wolf mother, as a character~ I'll be making sure we can see more of her in the future!)
UPDATE! The wolf's name is now officially Misaki (美咲), roughly meaning "the beautiful flowers are blooming". I wanted to give her a natural name for her upbringing. being far from humans and thriving amongst nature. Thank you so much, Aoino Broome~
Artwork © aoinobroome aoinobroome
Claude and Misaki © iceblueeyes iceblueeyes
Also...I decided to write up a little thing for this piece, just for fun, so enjoy!
When he's not working, Claude spends some of his spare time exploring the world around him, often times landing him in dangerous or unusual situations when he explores places very far from home. On his way through a thick expanse of forest, he hears a pained whimpering sound coming from a nearby cave. Curiosity and concern draw him deep into the cave where he finds a humongous wolf woman. A hot blush quickly spreads across his face as he notices the large woman sprawled on her side, panting and whimpering as she tries pleasuring herself with her fingers, evidently frustrated that her attempts were insufficient to subdue the needs of her estrus. It isn't long before she notices the blushing skunk standing before her, and she quickly bares her fangs with a low growl.
"What are you doing in my den, small one!? I should eat you for intruding-" the wolf's voice trembles for a moment as her body pulses with a tingling heat from head to toe.
"Sorry, I just...you sounded like you were hurt, and I thought I could help. I didn't know you were-" Claude turns his gaze aside, trying not to be any more rude than he already was, what with his intrusion.
"You!? How can one as small as you help me? You look too frail and tiny to bring me what I need..." The wolf, actually a mother, had been without a mate for several years and her cubs were away from the den. She was very strong-willed, but the season's change brought upon her a powerful heat the likes of which she could not stand.
In his own way, he sympathized with her, without even knowing the entirety of her plight. He couldn't stand seeing someone in distress, after all. "Well, um...e-even someone like me could still help. What do you need?"
The mother's pride faded for a moment as she gazed at the concerned skunk. "...I can't stand it. My heat is too strong. At this rate, I will not be able to focus on hunting. My scent alone would give me away. If you can satisfy me, I...may not eat you."
"Satisfy?" Claude squeaked, "You really... I mean, is it okay if I-"
"J-Just hurry up and do it, before I change my mind and devour you instead!" the wolf mother barked, wincing and quivering as she reclined onto her back and hands.
The skunk was in disbelief, but also tingling with anticipation. He was no stranger to encounters with larger women, though he'd never come across a situation quite like this. He nodded, then stripped off his clothes and approached the enormous beast. As she spread her thighs, the potent scent of her hot, dripping loins wafted over him like a lazy gust of steam, ripe with salty sweat and citrusy secretions. As he pushed his hand into her sex, he was surprised and delighted at just how pliable and slick her inner flesh was. "W-Wow, you're r-really wet! A-And really soft, too..."
The wolf mother briefly whined as he probed deeper into her body, dousing his body with the scent of her arousal. Claude stretched open her folds with a combination of strength and tenderness like she'd never experienced before. Her large body pulsed and trembled as he thrust his arm in and out, despite her inner muscles clenching tight enough to shatter a normal man's bones. "Hhnnn... More. I can't be satisfied by just one arm. I need more!"
With a soft smile and a brighter blush, he plunged both limbs inside as deeply as they could go. A loud lustful howl echoed through the den. A firm pressure cradled his back, quickly mashing him tightly against the large wolf's pussy and soaking his fur in hot, thick juices as she rubbed his body against her loins like a toy. Claude gave himself to pleasuring her even further; suckling upon her enormous clit that easily filled his mouth and rubbing his hands along the wrinkles of her inner flesh as he thrust them about. The feeling of almost being swallowed by that drooling, throbbing pussy was enough to send the boy into a trance-like state of eager passion.
"Rrrrrgh! H-How... You're so small, and yet...it feels so good!" The wolf panted and moaned, grinding the skunk against her loins as she felt her body tensing and pulsing in delight. She almost hadn't noticed his dick sliding into her tailhole amidst all the motion and squelching sounds of her juices. Her body suddenly trembled as she climaxed, pushing the skunk as tightly as she could to her sex, ignoring his frantic moans of surprise while using him to ride out what felt like an eternity of orgasms.
Moments later, Claude slipped free from the vice-like grip of the beast mother's loins, panting as he collapsed onto the floor in a thick viscous pool of vaginal secretions. He looked up to see the giant wolf crawling towards him with her fangs slightly bared and her tongue dangling out between them. Fearing she was going to eat him anyways, he tensed up and clenched his eyes only to feel her long, thick, heavy tongue molesting his body again and again, licking him clean...or at least as clean as she could, considering each lap swept away thick juices only to replace them with thick saliva. During the tongue bath, he reached his arms up and caressed the wolf's muzzle. The two remained like this for a few minutes before eventually going their separate ways.