Artist's commentary
Slimy Snack
Sally knew that life as a slug had a lot of disadvantages.
For one, it restricted what homes and businesses she could enter. Not that businesses had explicit anti-invertebrate rules, or anything. Nor did her lack of feet hinder her: her one large "foot" might be slow, but it got here where she needed to go. It was just that she knew that the mucus trail she left behind everywhere she went was hell on whatever crew was responsible for cleanup. True, the slime left by her foot was thin and watery, and would dry out relatively quickly, but in, say, a supermarket, it would still create a significant slipping hazard. And if they had carpet? A complete no-go. She would usually call businesses ahead of time if she needed to visit and make necessary arrangements, often having groceries brought out to her rather than going in to pick them up herself.
In addition, the dating pool was unsurprisingly small. Sally was actually okay with her own appearance: she thought she was pretty cute. But, while the mucus on the bottom of her foot might be thin and slick, the slime secreted by the rest of her body was thick and viscous and got everywhere. It was a major turn-off for pretty much anyone who wasn't another slug. Not that she had anything against other slugs, there were just only so many and it restricted dating options quite a bit.
There was one significant advantage, though: the deterrence of predators. Most found the idea of eating someone covered in thick, slimy mucus pretty unappetizing. In fact, a predator attack wasn't something that Sally had ever really considered as a possibility.
Which was why this situation had caught her completely off-guard.
The bar was one that she visited often. It had a tile floor and the management was pretty tolerant of her, as long as she didn't go leaving trails all over the place. She would come here when she needed to unwind, grab a drink, and maybe even chat with a stranger or two. On this particular day, a female rabbit had sat next to her at the bar, and they had started a conversation.
She hadn't expected the bunny to start flirting with her, though. Nor had she expected her to ask if Sally wanted to come back to her place to hang out. Sally had asked if she was sure, and let her know that she could be a bit... messy, no matter how careful she was. But the bunny had insisted. And Sally was certain she hadn't misinterpreted her signals. She was mostly interested in boys, but this bunny was cute, and with her dating pool being as small as it was, Sally wasn't one to turn down a possible connection.
And she really hadn't expected the bunny, one they arrived, to strip off her shirt, grab Sally's foot, and shove it in her mouth.
After all, why would she have seen this coming? Her new friend was a bunny, not a predator. And this wasn't the kind of thing Sally usually had to worry about, anyway! Any potential predator would be turned away by her slime.
It didn't even seem to slow the bunny down, though. Loud, wet noises filled the air as she slurped globs of Sally's mucus down with gusto. The bunny's hands and underbelly were getting covered with the stuff as she squeezed the slug's malleable body into her tight throat. She didn't show the slightest sign of being turned-off by or disgusted with her choice of meal.
In fact, it was all so surprising, it wasn't until Sally was halfway in, and the bunny was forcing her arms into her gullet, that the slug really started to grasp the severity of her situation.
"S-stop!" She shouted. "You can't!"
The bunny swallowed again. Thick slime squeezed off of Sally's body, dribbling in large globs down the bunny's chin. She felt the bunny's tongue sliding across her belly as she swallowed her down.
The bunny let out a contented "mmmm" sound, the exhalation of breath causing a bubble to form in the layer of mucus covering her nose.
"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Sally screamed, hearing the panic in her own voice. This couldn't really be happening, right?
But the bunny was already squeezing Sally's chest into her mouth, causing the slug to squirm, at least as much as she could.
Sally tried again. "P-please, stop! There must be more appealing meals out there for you! I-I could try to help you find someone!"
Glp. The bunny swallowed again, and Sally's chest slid into her throat. Only the tops of her shoulders and her head were on the outside now.
"W-wait!" Sally shouted. "Don't-!"
With a wet schhhlrrrp, the rest of Sally's head slipped into the bunny's mouth.
Freya sat there for a moment, her cheeks bulged out. She could feel the slug squirming frantically in her gullet. She tilted her head back.
The slender, squishy figure slid down her throat and dropped into her belly.
Freya opened her mouth and let out a belch, which blew another bubble in the thick slime. Quite a bit of it had gotten scraped off the slug's body while her lips slid past, creating a thick flow that covered the lower half of her face and ran down her chin, dropping onto her breasts and belly.
Her stomach felt full, and heavy. The slug had not been a small meal. It was a satisfying fullness, a pleasant kind of bloated. Her belly was enormous, and, Freya noticed, a bit rounder than normal. Perhaps it was the significant amount of slime that had gone down with her meal, and the fact that she was presumably still secreting more even now. Or maybe the slug's malleable body was more able to be contorted and crammed into every available bit of space in her gut. Either way, it didn't stop her meal's squirming from feeling wonderful.
Freya glanced back over her shoulder to see her sister Bruni standing a few feet away, staring at her. Bruni was tapping one large foot on the floor in a show of annoyance.
"That's disgusting."
Freya looked down at herself. Her entire front was covered in thick, viscous goo. She was also sitting in a significant pool of it, soaking her jeans and the fur of her tail.
Freya smiled, then brought one hand forward and used her fingers to scoop up a significant glob of the slime that had pooled between her chest and belly. She held it out in Bruni's direction.
"I'm sorry. Did you want some?"
Bruni wrinkled her nose. "That's gross, Freya. You're gross."
Freya grinned, then brought her hand to her down mouth. "You're just jealous," she said, before slurping the thick slime off her fingers.
Bruni pursed her lips and looked away.
"Anyway, don't worry," Freya continued. "It's my mess, so I'll clean it up. I think I'll probably go shower first. Unless you think any of the other girls might want to try some of this."
Bruni rolled her eyes, turning to head back towards her room. "Just don't clog the drain again, okay?"
"I won't, I promise!" Freya called after her, before using her fingers to scoop some of the slime on her chin into her mouth. She honestly couldn't see why her sisters weren't into this kind of meal.
Oh well. More for her.
Here's something a little different. I was partially inspired by one of the questions I got for Bruni and her sisters back when I did that AMA. Freya, it turns out, is a very daring eater!
Slime/goo isn't something I would have previously said was my "thing," but I actually ended up really enjoying drawing and writing this. Would anyone be interested in more content of this type? Maybe some commissions or a YCH around this theme?