Artist's commentary
Morning After
Sydney let out a huff, wiggling her hips as she tried to pull her jeans up over them. The garment had been form-fitting already – getting it on now was nearly impossible. She had already given up on the idea of buttoning the front of them before she had even made the attempt to put them back on, but she hoped she could at least get the tail loop in place.
In other circumstances, she likely wouldn’t have bothered. After that particularly vigorous romp, and such a filling meal, she would have had no qualms with falling asleep on her dinner’s former bed, giving her belly time to at least partially work off the meal before she even attempted to get dressed again. But the pounding music from the party downstairs, vibrating up through the floor and into her paws, reminded her that she didn’t have that luxury this time.
Not when the raccoon squirming and screaming in her gut was the older sister of the party’s host.
Sydney was fairly certain that no one had heard them, even though they had hardly been quiet. The music was loud and distracting. But she wouldn’t be able to hide her enormous stomach, not when it was full of a meal that was larger than her. Best to sneak down the stairs, slip out the side door, and head home before anyone noticed a pair of absences.
The skunk let out a sigh of relief as she managed to get the tail loop of her jeans into place. She turned and looked at the bra and shirt, still sitting on the floor. She probably didn’t have to put those on, right? If anyone saw her, one glance would immediately make it clear why she was going topless, anyway. It wasn’t like she didn’t have fur.
And, really, did she even have to leave? She could always just… head back down to the party. It wasn’t like most of the party-goers (or at least, the ones whose opinions she cared even the slightest bit about) didn’t already know she was a pred. And if Nancy complained – assuming she even realized who was weighing down Sydney’s stomach – well, she could just join her sister. Sydney would be willing to bet that she could make room.
A smile teased at the corners of Sydney’s mouth. She felt her huge tail swishing back and forth behind her. Wouldn’t it be quite the entrance to walk back into the party looking like this?
This night was just getting better and better.