Artist's commentary
A Possums Mistake (Pt. 2)
Here is an unplanned part 2 of the previous com. I got called A Possums Mistake :)
originally I was going to leave it, but then I got the idea of a part 2 showing the little mouse going in the rear entrance and "Surpotato":[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/surpotato] melting in Remy's tail stomach.
I hope you all love it as much as I did! "hunner":[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/hunner] did such an amazing job on this!!!
Previous art: <https://www.furaffinity.net/view/58169908/>
Artist & the little butt food: "hunner hunner":[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/hunner]
The digesting possum "Surpotato Surpotato":[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/surpotato]
The drunk sexy Marley belongs to me! "marley_n_friends marley_n_friends":[https://www.furaffinity.net/user/marleynfriends]
Marley stuck around the bar a little bit longer to see if they could pick anyone up to bring home with them for some "fun." Unfortunately due to a cute possum getting too close to a hungry Remy, all hopes of taking someone who isn't food is now lost. Marley sighed and told the bartender to keep the alcoholic drinks coming. Shot after shot, Marley's sober-ness quickly faded away and they were now drunk. The bartender eventually cut them off and Marley and their full tail had to make the walk home. Marley grabbed the mouse they were sitting on and stuffed him into their short pocket.
Meanwhile on the inside, Spud the possum was desperately trying to escape their impending doom. Spud tried moving and kicking all around the tail's stomach walls to get it to barf him out but with no luck. Spud became exhausted and instead switched to yelling and screaming, hoping someone on the outside would help them escape this creature. Sadly no one was coming to Spud's aid and the tail's stomach began filling with acid. After a long walk home, Marley stumbled into the living room and quickly got undressed. With their tail stuffed full and the added alcohol, Marley was feeling very horny. Being sad they couldn't find anyone to satisfy them the way they wanted, the digesting possum and the little mouse will have to do. Marley took the mouse out of their shorts and held him in their paw. Marley positioned their tail in front of them and gently laid on top using Remy like a squishy body pillow. Marley slowly began to hump against Remy's full belly. Remy was on the floor with its tongue out enjoying the massage while back on the inside, poor Spud's impending doom was imminent. He could feel the burning sensation all over his body as he slowly digested away. The sudden added pressure of Marley's body on top of him made it even worse. It was already hot, cramped, miserable, and with Marley pushing against him, it was hell inside.
The little mouse boy tried wiggling to escape, but Marley smiled and said
"If you wanted to wiggle that much, then I 'll put it to good use."
Marley repositioned their buttcheeks and moved Hunner towards their rear. Hunner was staring right at Marley's twitching-musk hole and begged Marley not to do it. Of course, being so small, Marley only heard little squeaks and proceeded to bring them closer to their new home. Marley flipped Hunner around pressing his tiny feet paws against their musk hole. Marley quivered at the feeling and slowly pushed Hunner deeper in. The poor little mouse tried all he could to break free, but his squirms only pulled him in deeper. once Hunner was in an inescapable position, Marley moved their fingers down and slid them into their aching-wet pussy. Marley fingered their tight pussy and with every clench, poor Hunner sank in deeper. It was at the point where only his head was sticking out of the musk rim. Marley pushed their fingers inside deeper and with that last clench, Hunner was pulled fully inside Marley's musk hole. He tried to escape, but it was so tight, he could barely move. His fur was soaked in Marley's sticky anal slime and their internal musk scent flooded his tiny nose. Poor Hunner could feel Marley's fingers from the other side pushing against his body and could only hope this torment would be over soon. The same would go for poor Spud as the tail's stomach acid would eventually melt his body down into nothing but sludge and bones. The only one who will come out on top of this would be Marley. They would continue to pleasure themselves until they reached climax, squirting all over their softening tail and pulling poor Hunner deeper into their bowels to become nothing but an ass-snack.
Marley removed their fingers from their pussy and relaxed on top of their soft tail. Still drunk from the night, Marley quickly passed out and let their body finish off the "guests" stuck within.
I would say, I hope Spud learned his lesson on getting too close to Marley's tail... but there definitely won't be a next time for him. He and poor Hunner will be joining each other in Marley's bowels the following morning as sludge added butt fat for Marley to enjoy... and maybe for the next boy-toy they pick up at the bar. ;)