Artist's commentary
Sleeping off snacks
Leilah slept soundly as her gut squirmed. Clearly whoever she grabbed off the street wasn’t happy ending up as wolf food. It didn’t matter though, Leilah was clearly not going to wake up. With the belongings of her food strewn about the floor she slept peacefully. Though it definitely wasn’t peaceful in her stomach, more of a horror show until her passed out.
Slowly over the next few hours the fur was churned away into soup, them being nothing more than a slab of meat to Leilah’s body.
A burp interrupted the sounds of gurgling in the silent apartment. The last bit of stale air being forced out as the body continued to compact.
Finally after a few hours all that remained of that snack Leilah grabbed was just a pudgy belly, and a future trip to the bathroom. Soon she will awake and no doubt be hungry again.
Art by LunLunFox
Leilah belongs to me