Artist's commentary
Party wipe
Leilah had been getting real tired of her neighbors and their loud parties. They weren’t your typical parties though. Her neighbors were avid D&D players, and while she thought it was neat, their games kept going on so late into the night she couldn’t get any sleep. And to make things worse now they were doing multiple games a week!
One evening around dinner time she heard their game starting up. Her stomach came up to a solution to her problem.
Pretending to be pizza delivery she surprised the group and burst through the door. Catching the party off guard she started to shove the panicked nerds down her maw to her stomach where they were quickly being mulched to fuel her raging appetite.
Soon she had emptied out the room and lay there pulling out bits of clothing as as her stomach churned and bulged with the squirms. The feeling was euphoric and the thoughts of not being kept up late at night were amazing. Maybe she wouldn’t snuff these nerds out so soon and just enjoy this feeling of the dinner she had.
Hopefully her new neighbors won’t be as loud.
Art by GushyGuts
Leilah belongs to me